
【报告通知】The Challenge and Future Options for Magnetic Recording

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心   作者:  发布时间:2016年11月28日  点击量:

报告题目:The Challenge and Future Options for Magnetic Recording


人:王遥 博士 (美国卡内基梅隆大学)

报告时间:20161130日下午15:00 17:00


邀请人:陈进才 教授


In order to approach the superparamagnetic limit for the current perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR), bit patterned media recording, heat assisted magnetic recording and two dimensional magnetic recording (TDMR) are proposed as the candidates for the next generation of magnetic recording. First, the talk will briefly cover the basics of magnetic recording, and the pros and cons of various technology candidates. Furthermore, the research of TDMR will be explained in details. In TDMR, the track density is significantly higher than PMR, leading to increased inter-track interference (ITI). Hence advanced 2D signal processing and coding technologies are needed to mitigate severe 2D interference and media noise. On one hand, this talk will focus on the novel system design (reader structure and media architecture) and the corresponding detection algorithm with decreased computation complexity to recover the signal deteriorated by 2D interference and media noise during readback process. On the other hand, the novel recording scheme (such as multi-island representation, write pre-compensation scheme) and joint track pattern dependent noise predictive detection algorithm will be introduced to mitigate the nonlinear transition shift and 2D data dependent media noise happened during the write process.


Yao Wang is a post-doctorate research associate at the Carnegie Mellon University right now. He has obtained his PhD degree at the Electrical Engineering from University of Minnesota, USA. His research is to combine the micromagnetic simulation and signal processing tools to study the novel magnetic recording sub-system, channel modeling, detection and coding techniques for the magnetic

recording system. He has published more than 20 journal paper (including IEEE JSAC, IEEE Trans Magn., IEEE Magnetics letters) about magnetic recording, and also given multiple talks at the International Magnetic Recording Conferences.