
Acquisition and Modulation of Terahertz Wave Front
时 间:2018年9月7日10:00-12:00
地 点:光电国家研究中心A101
报 告 人:张 岩 教授,首都师范大学
邀 请 人:张新亮 教授
张岩,首都师范大学教授,超材料与器件北京市重点实验室主任。1999年获得中科院物理所光学博士学位,先后在日本山形大学,香港理工大学,德国斯图加特大学,香港科技大学,美国伦斯特理工大学以及德国康斯坦茨大学从事合作研究。目前主要从事太赫兹波谱与成像,超构表面器件等方面研究,发表SCI期刊论文220余篇,Google H因子38。
Prof. Dr. Yan Zhang, director of Beijing Key Lab for Matematerials and Devices. He was elected to the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, Beijing Science Nova Program, Beijing BaiQianWan Talents Program, and Beijing Great Wall Scholar.
Prof. Zhang received his bachelor and master degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology and doctor degree from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science. He has worked in Yamagata University, Japan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Stuttgart University, Germany, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, and University Konstanz, Germany. His research interests include terahertz imaging and spectroscopy, surface plasmonic optics, optical information processing. He has published more than 220 prereviewed papers and delivered more than 30 invited talks.
Due to many unique advantages of terahertz radiation, it has important potential applications in the field of communication and imaging. Compared with the sources and detectors of terahertz, the functional devices of terahertz are still immature, which hinders the wide application of terahertz technology. This report describes the progress of terahertz wavefront acquisition and modulation in Beijing Key Laboratory of Metamaterials and Devices, Capital Normal University. The frequency, amplitude, phase and polarization of terahertz radiation are measured by a self-developed terahertz pulsed focal plane imaging system. The vortex beam and surface plasmon devices in terahertz band are characterized by this system. The terahertz wavefront can also be modulated by metasurface technology. The ultra-thin terahertz flat lens, long focal depth lens, multi-focal lens, terahertz holography, color-splitting imaging holography and polarization-selective lens are designed. A terahertz wavefront modulator is proposed based on the photoelectric characteristics of semiconductor materials in the terahertz band, and the terahertz wavefront modulation based on the dynamic metasurface is also realized.
更早期视频参见 http://whof.wnlo.hust.edu.cn/