Front. Optoelectron.
2014, Vol. 7
Issue (4) : 409-424 DOI: 10.1007/s12200-014-0413-7
Overview of Blu-Ray DiscTM recordable/rewritable media technology
Naoyasu MIYAGAWA( ) |
AVC Networks Company, Panasonic Corporation, Kadoma, Osaka 5718501, Japan |
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This paper gives an overview of the research and development progress on Blu-Ray DiscTM (BD) rewritable/recordable media for more than 20 years. The writable BD media had been developed for consumer use like video-recording/personal computer (PC) buck-up and professional use like broadcasting with increasing storage capacity and data rate. The key technology in each innovation was explained according to referenced papers.
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Naoyasu MIYAGAWA. Overview of Blu-Ray DiscTM recordable/rewritable media technology[J]. Front. Optoelectron., 2014, 7(4): 409-424. |