Junction temperature measurement of alternating current light-emitting-diode by threshold voltage method
Ran YAO1,*( ),Dawei ZHANG1,Bing ZOU1,Jian XU2 |
1. Engineering Research Center of Optical Instrument and System, Ministry of Education, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
2. Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA |
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Junction temperature of alternating current light-emitting-diode (AC-LED) has a significant effect on its stable light output and lifetime. The threshold voltage measurement is employed to characterize the junction temperature of AC-LED, due to its excellent merits in high efficiency and accuracy. The threshold voltage is measured when the driving current of an AC-LED rises to a reference on-set value from the zero-crossing node. Based on multiple measurements of threshold voltage at different temperatures, a linear relationship was uncovered between the threshold voltage and the junction temperature of AC-LED with the correlating factor of temperature sensitive parameter (TSP). Thereby, we can calculate the junction temperature with the TSP and threshold voltage once the AC-LED stays at thermal equilibrium state. The accuracy of the proposed junction temperature measurement technique was found to be±3.2°C for the reference current of 1 mA. It is concluded that the method of threshold voltage is accurate and simple to implement, making it highly suitable for measuring the junction temperature of AC-LED in industry.