
【FOE】Special issue on“Multi-Dimensional Light Field Manipulation: Methods and Applications”

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心   作者:  发布时间:2019年05月06日  点击量:

Preface to the special issue on “Multi-Dimensional Light Field Manipulation: Methods and Applications”


Front. Optoelectron.. 2019, 12 (1): 1-3. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12200-019-0911-8

Joint timing and frequency synchronization in coherent optical OFDM systems

Xinwei DU, Pooi-Yuen KAM, Changyuan YU

Front. Optoelectron.. 2019, 12 (1): 4-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12200-019-0868-7

Spectrally efficient single carrier 400G optical signal transmission

Jianjun YU

Front. Optoelectron.. 2019, 12 (1): 15-23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12200-018-0833-x

Multi-channel phase regeneration of QPSK signals based on phase sensitive amplification

Hongxiang WANG, Tiantian LUO, Yuefeng JI

Front. Optoelectron.. 2019, 12 (1): 24-30. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12200-018-0754-8

Weakly-coupled mode division multiplexing over conventional multi-mode fiber with intensity modulation and direct detection

Juhao LI, Zhongying WU, Dawei GE, Jinglong ZHU, Yu TIAN, Yichi ZHANG, Jinyi YU, Zhengbin LI, Zhangyuan CHEN, Yongqi HE

Front. Optoelectron.. 2019, 12 (1): 31-40. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12200-018-0834-9

Vector mode based optical direct detection orthogonal frequency division multiplexing transmission in short-reach optical link

Jianping LI, Zhaohui LI

Front. Optoelectron.. 2019, 12 (1): 41-51. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12200-018-0836-7

A review of multiple optical vortices generation: methods and applications

Long ZHU, Jian WANG

Front. Optoelectron.. 2019, 12 (1): 52-68. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12200-019-0910-9

Modulation of orbital angular momentum on the propagation dynamics of light fields

Peng LI, Sheng LIU, Yi ZHANG, Lei HAN, Dongjing WU, Huachao CHENG, Shuxia QI, Xuyue GUO, Jianlin ZHAO

Front. Optoelectron.. 2019, 12 (1): 69-87. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12200-017-0743-3

Detection of photonic orbital angular momentum with micro- and nano-optical structures

Chenhao WAN, Guanghao RUI, Jian CHEN, Qiwen ZHAN

Front. Optoelectron.. 2019, 12 (1): 88-96. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12200-017-0730-8

Fiber-based optical trapping and manipulation

Hongbao XIN, Baojun LI

Front. Optoelectron.. 2019, 12 (1): 97-110. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12200-017-0755-z