
Non-volatile Memory Technology
时 间:2016年3月29日10:00-12:00
地 点:武汉光电国家实验室A101
报 告 人:刘 明 院士,中国科学院微电子研究所
邀 请 人:缪向水 教授
中国科学院院士、中国科学院微电子研究所研究员,从事微电子科学与技术的研究,研究兴趣主要是存储器机理模型、材料结构、核心共性技术和芯片集成等。她是973项目首席科学家、国家杰出青年基金获得者和基金委创新群体负责人。担任 “Applied Physics A” 的编辑、《中国科学》编委、Scientific Reports的编委会委员等。
Liu Ming is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and currently working at Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMECAS). She is engaged in the research of microelectronics science and technology and her research interests cover memory mechanism model, material structure, core generic technology and chip integration. She is the Chief Scientist of 973 Program and has been awarded Elitist Young Scientist from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (the highest honor bestowed to young scientist). She serves as the editor of Applied Physics A and member of editorial board of Chinese Science and Scientific Reports.
As one of the most important technologies in IC industry, Non-volatile memory has wide development space, and is widely used in many fields including information, aeronautics/ astronautics, national defense, new energy and scientific research. At present, flash memory based on floating gate is the mainstream nonvolatile memory technology. As the characteristic size of Flash is closing to its physical limit, it will be difficult to improve the density and performance to meet the demand of information storage and processing in the era of big data. This report will introduce the developments and challenges faced by domestic and oversea storage industry, the academic research situation of the non-volatile memory and the research progress within Institute of Microelectronics in this field.
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