
Fig. 1. Optical spectrum distortions induced by non-ideal optical link or transmitters. (solid line: the ideal OS, dashed line: the distorted OS).

Fig. 2. The flow chart of the machine learning technique based ultra-high resolution spectrum retrieval process.
Fig. 3. (a) Eigenvalues for the principle components in descending order. (b) Parameter r as a function of the number of principle components selected.
Fig. 4. The variations of the classification accuracy of all training samples versus γ and c in the SVMs training process.

Fig. 5. (a) The identification accuracy for each of the nine types of optical signals. The averaged accuracy is 96.97% (solid line: OSNR varied in the range of 6-30dB, dashed line: OSNR varied in the range of 10-30dB). (b) The contribution of each type of optical signals to the total retrieval errors when OSNR is the range of 6-30dB and 10-30dB respectively.
该研究工作得到了国家重大科学仪器与设备开发专项课题、中组部“万人计划”青年拔尖人才支持计划和国家自然科学基金面上项目的资助,并得到下一代互联网接入系统国家工程实验室柯昌剑和刘德明教授所在团队的大力支持。2017年12月25日,研究成果“Automatic reference optical spectrum retrieval method for ultra-high resolution optical spectrum distortion analysis utilizing integrated machine learning techniques” 发表在光学期刊Optics Express杂志上( Vol. 25, No. 26, pp. 32491-32503, 2017).