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来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年12月12日    浏览:
光电论坛第一百零九期 材料设计以及界面与器件工程最适化以实现高性能聚合物和钙钛矿太阳能电池

时 间:2015年12月23日10:00-12:00 地 点:武汉光电国家实验室A101

报 告 人:任广禹 教授,美国华盛顿大学(西雅图)

邀 请 人:周印华 教授



Rational Material, Interface, and Device Engineering for High-Performance Polymer and Perovskite Solar Cells

时 间:2015年12月23日10:00-12:00
地 点:武汉光电国家实验室A101
报 告 人:任广禹 教授,美国华盛顿大学(西雅图)
邀 请 人:周印华 教授


Prof.Alex Jen is currently serving as the Boeing-Johnson Chair Professor and Chair of the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle. He is also serving as Chief Scientist for the Clean Energy Institute endowed by the Washington State Governor. Prof.Alex Jen’s research interest is centered on utilizing molecular, polymeric and biomacromolecular self-assembly to create ordered arrangement of organic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology. He has co-authored more than 560 publications, and has >26,000 citations and a H-index of 84. He is also a co-inventor for more than 50 patents and invention disclosures. For his pioneering contributions in organic photonics and electronics, he was elected as Fellow by several professional societies including AAAS, MRS, ACS, PMSE, OSA, and SPIE. Recently, he has been elected as an Academician by the Washington State Academy of Sciences.


Advances in controlled synthesis, processing, and tuning of the properties of organic conjugated polymers and perovskites have enabled significantly enhanced performance of organic and hybrid electronic devices. The performance of polymer and hybrid solar cells is strongly dependent on their efficiency in harvesting light, exciton dissociation, charge transport, and charge collection at the metal/organic/metal oxide or the metal/perovskite/metal oxide interfaces. In this talk, the integrated approach of combining material design, interface, and device engineering to significantly improve the performance of polymer and hybrid perovskite photovoltaic cells (PCE of >18%) will be discussed. At the end, several new device architectures and optical engineering strategies to make tandem cells and semitransparent solar cells will be discussed to explore the full promise of polymer and perovskite hybrid solar cells.


访问此网址可重温2013年以来光电论坛报告视频 http://mooc.chaoxing.com/course/2018895.html
更早期视频参见 http://whof.wnlo.cn/
