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来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年12月12日    浏览:
光电论坛第八十三期 薄膜太阳能电池研究最新研究进展和挑战

时 间:2014年7月17日 10:00-12:00

地 点:武汉光电国家实验室A101

报告人:Prof. Yanfa YAN, 美国托莱多大学 The University of Toledo

邀请人:唐江 教授


Yan博士是美国托莱多大学教授,同时他也是橡树岭国家实验室和NREL客座科学家。Yan博士于1983-1993年在武汉大学获得本科、硕士和博士学位。在20余年的研究中,Yan博士获得一系列国家和国际奖项包括2001年获得美国能源部的青年科技者奖,2007年获得美国可再生能源实验室杰出研究的主任奖, 2011年获得被誉为科技界的奥斯卡的“研究与发展100”奖,同年推选为美国物理学会会士等等。Yan博士目前已经发表270余篇国际期刊文章,被邀请撰写6篇综述文章,近期被邀请作大会邀请报告20余次。当前研究课题主要包括:太阳能利用相关的材料、器件结构和应用(光伏、燃料电池、可充电式蓄电池、超级电容器等);理论计算设计能源材料;先进电子显微镜技术于能源领域应用。

Dr. Yanfa Yan is currently Ohio Research Scholar Endowed Chair/Professor at The University of Toledo. He is also a joint Distinguished visiting scientist in National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He obtained his B.S., M.S., Ph.D. degree in physics at Wuhan University. Prof. Yan has received a number of national and international awards including JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow Award (Japan, 1995), DOE/EERE Young Investigator Award (America, 2001), NREL Director’s Award for Outstanding Research (America, 2007), R&D 100 Award (America, 2011), and American Physical Society Fellow (America, 2011). Prof. Yan has authored and co-authored over 270 journal papers. He also wrote 6 pieces of book chapters and invited review papers. He was done more than 20 invited and penalty presentations in past few years. His current research interests are mainly focusing on: 1) emerging, and future generation materials and device architectures for energy and related applications (photovoltaics, solar fuel production, and rechargeable batteries and supercapacitors); 2) Energy materials design by density-functional theory and other approaches; 3) Development and application of advanced electron microscopy techniques for energy related research.

全球的气候变化和环境污染等问题使得人们渴求新的可再生、清洁和安全的能源。当前可再生能源仅占世界能源生产的1%。 太阳能是可持续再生能源的终极能源。近来快速发展的太阳能电池市场极大地激发了社会的关注,这主要归结于政府部门对于可再生能源的激励政策。为了保证太阳能的持续发展,我们必须发展新的太阳能技术使太阳能可持续以及可竞争的低成本使用。为达到上述目的,我们必须对当前和下一代太阳能电池技术基本科学问题,当前状态以及关键科学问题有一个清晰的认识。在我的报告内容中我主要依据我的太阳能电池研究经历阐述以上太阳能电池的关键科学问题。报告内容主要包括:太阳能转换的基本原理,当前薄膜太阳能电池的发展状态和关键问题, 下一代太阳能电池的主要难题,未来太阳能的可能发展方向和策略。

The increased worldwide awareness of global climate change and environmental pollution has raised the demand for renewable, clean and safe energy sources. Renewable energy is only 1% of worldwide energy production. Solar energy is the ultimate sustainable renewable energy source. The recent rapid growth of solar cell market, which has greatly stimulated public attention, is largely caused by the incentive policies on renewable energy from governments. To make a substantial increase in the contribution of solar energy, we must develop technologies that can produce energy from sunlight in a self-sustainable and cost competitive manner. Many research entities have started research efforts on photovoltaic solar cells. To ensure these research efforts are successful, we must have a clear understanding of the fundamental science, the current status, and the critical issues of today’s PV technologies and proposed next generation technologies. In this presentation, I will address these issues based on my personal experiences of research on solar cells. My presentation will cover the following topics: The principles of solar energy conversion; The status and issues of today’s thin-film PV technologies; The problems of next generation PV technologies; Possible pathways and strategies to a successful energy future.
