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光电论坛第95期: DNA和适配子在石墨烯传感界面的行为

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年12月12日    浏览:
光电论坛第九十五期 DNA和适配子在石墨烯传感界面的行为

时 间:2015年5月11日 9:30-10:40

地 点:武汉光电国家实验室A101

报 告 人:董绍俊 院 士,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所

邀 请 人:申 燕 教 授


Performance of DNA and Aptamer at Graphene Sensing Interface

时 间:2015年5月11日 9:30-10:40
地 点:武汉光电国家实验室A101
报 告 人:董绍俊 院 士,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所
邀 请 人:申 燕 教 授


董绍俊院士,1952年毕业于北京辅仁大学化学系,后一直在中国科学院长春应用化学研究所工作至今。曾任中国科学院电分析化学开放实验室主任。1999年当选为第三世界科学院(TWAS)院士。获国家自然科学奖3项和省部级奖10项,国际奖1项。出版专著、专论16部/册,获授权发明专利60多项。发表(SCI收录)论文900多篇,论文被他引35,000多次,H-指数88。被聘为美、法、日三所大学的客座教授,为6种国际学术刊物的编委和顾问编委。在国际学术会议上做大会、专题和邀请报告100多次,在25个国家及香港和台湾地区讲学,报告100多次。培养100多名研究生中获博士学位的有70多人,其中,获全国百篇优秀博士论文的3人,获中科院院长特别奖的4人,获中科院优秀奖的10人,以及获全国优秀博士后奖1人。 被评为“全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师”,“中科院优秀研究生导师”(共7届),以及 研究生院建院30周年“杰出贡献指导教师”。获选全球高引用研究者(2002-2012)。

Shaojun Dong studied in the Department of Furen University in 1949-1952. She has joined Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (CIAC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) since 1952. She is the head of the Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry (KLEAC) (1986-1998) and elected Member of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) in 1999. She published over 900 papers in international SCI journals cited over 35,000 times with h-index 88. She has been the Visiting Professor in the University of Kansas (USA), Dijon University (France) and Yamanashi University (Japan). She has also been in the International Advisory Board of six international journals like Chem. Commun., Electrochem. Commun., Biosens & Bioelectron, Bioelectrochemistry, Talanta etc. She has presented plenary, keynote and invited lectures over 100 times in international academic conference and contributed seminars in 25 different countries. Her awards include: 1 International; 3 National Natural Science and 10 Advanced Science and Technology Awards from CAS and Jilin Province. She is selected in the global "Highly Cited Researcher 2014" by ISI Web of Science (SCI) in the past 11 years (2002-2012).

近年来,石墨烯(GN)由于具有非凡的物理和化学性质而受到广泛关注。这为分析化学的发展带来了新的活力。电化学器件与GN的耦合提供了一个很好的平台,来实现对许多生物材料的诊断和检测。我们小组首次报道,利用石墨烯电极电化学自发检测存在于ssDNA和dsDNA的所有四个DNA碱基,该检测是在生理pH条件下,并且不需要预水解步骤。我们研究证明了利用独特的GO/适配体相互作用和特异性核酸适体目标识别,GO/适配子系统可以程序化地完成较复杂的OR and INHIBIT逻辑门。在不同输入相同波长的不同荧光强度的下,进行多靶点调节荧光强度和OR and INHIBIT逻辑门,从而组合成组合逻辑门。组合逻辑门可利用荧光成像进行高通量诊断。在组合逻辑门的输出的基础上,我们可以找出ATP和凝血酶是否存在。这个概念的证明可以为多重分析和纳米生物医学器件对多个输入的化学物质响应提供一种新方法。

In recent years graphene (GN) received widespread attention owing to its extraordinary physical and chemical properties. They bring new vitality to the development of Analytical Chemistry. The coupling of electrochemical devices with GN offers an excellent platform to realize the diagnostics and detection of many biomaterials. Our group for the first time reported that all four DNA bases in both ssDNA and dsDNA at GN-based electrode can be electrochemically detected simultaneously at physiological pH, without the need of a prehydrolysis step. We demonstrated that the GO/aptamer system could be programmed to perform relatively complicated OR and INHIBIT logic gates by taking advantage of the unique GO/aptamer interaction and the specific aptamer-target recognition. Multiple targets regulated the fluorescence intensities, and OR and INHIBIT logic gates were operated by the different fluorescence intensities at the same wavelength upon different inputs, and then combined to be the combinatorial logic gates. The combinatorial logic gates enabled high-throughput diagnosis by using fluorescence imaging. On the basis of the outputs of the combinatorial logic gates, we could figure out whether ATP or thrombin was present or not. This proof of concept might provide a new approach for multiplex analysis and nanobiomedical devices responding to multiple input chemicals.
