报告题目:纳米材料在能量转换和储存中的作用 Nanomaterials for energy conversion and storage 时 间:2015年7月7日 16:00-18:00 地 点:武汉光电国家实验室A101 报 告 人:李文治 教 授,美国佛罗里达国际大学 Florida International University 邀 请 人:高义华 教 授

报告人简介: 李文治教授1997年获中国科学院物理研究所凝聚态物理理学博士学位,现任美国佛罗里达国际大学物理系教授。在国际重要学术刊物 Science, Nature, ACS Nano, Carbon, Nanotechnology, Applied Physics Letters 等杂志上发表论文90多篇。获1999年全国百篇优秀博士论文奖,国家自然科学二等奖一项,中科院自然科学一等奖一项,中国科学院文献情报中心全国单篇论文引用一等奖(1999年和2000年),ISI经典引文奖(ISI Citation Classic Award 2000),化学物理快报引用率最高论文奖 (Chemical Physics Letters Most Cited paper 2003-2007 Award),美国自然科学基金会的职业奖(USA National Science Foundation Career Award)。所发表的论文已经被引用4400多次。李文治教授为中国在Science杂志上发表碳纳米管类文章的第一人。目前此文(Science 274卷,1701页, 1996)已被引用1700多次。此工作为纳米碳管的光电器件研究与开发奠定了基础。 Biography: Prof. Wenzhi Li received his Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1997. He is now a professor in the Department of Physics at Florida International University. He has more than 90 scientific publications in peer reviewed journals such as Science, Nature, ACS Nano, Carbon, Nanotechnology, and Applied Physics Letters. He received the 1999 National 100 Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award in China, the 1st Prize Award for Natural Science from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001, the 2nd Prize Award for National Natural Science from the State Council of China in 2003, the 1st Place Award for high paper citation from the Science and Technology Index Center in China in 1999 and 2000, the ISI Citation Classic Award in 2000, Chemical Physics Letters Most Cited paper 2003-2007 Award, and the US Natural Science Foundation Career Award 2006-2011. His published papers have been cited 4400 times. He is the first person in China to publish an article on carbon nanotube in Science. This article (Science 274 volume, page 1701, 1996) has been cited 1700 times. This work has laid a foundation for the research and development of carbon nanotube based electronic and optoelectronic devices. 报告摘要: 纳米材料,如碳纳米管,金属氧化物(或硫化物)纳米线和纳米颗粒,在电子、光学、材料科学、能量转换和存储方面有极其广泛的应用,因为它们的结构和物理性质可以在合成过程中进行设计。(1)直接观察单根硫化钴-碳纳米管核壳纳米线电化学嵌锂过程。在脱嵌锂的过程中,硫化钴体积急剧收缩或膨胀,碳纳米管的封闭结构及其优异的机械强度保护了硫化钴的完整性。这种核壳纳米线在开发高性能的充电电池方面有良好的前景。(2)纳米材料在溶液法制备太阳能电池的过程中起到了及其重要的作用。利用较长的TiO2纳米棒阵列作为染料敏化太阳能电池的阳极和利用铌掺杂的二氧化钛纳米棒作为有机钙钛矿太阳能电池的阳极都显著地提高了电池的能量转化效率。
Abstract: Nanomaterials, such as carbon nanotubes, metal oxides (or sulfide) nanowires and nanoparticles, have great applications in electronics, optics, materials science, energy conversion and storage due to their interesting structural and physical properties which can be designed at the synthesis level. In this talk, (1) the electrochemical lithiation process of cobalt sulfide (Co9S8) filled carbon nanotubes will be discussed. A single crystalline Co9S8 nanowire fills the cavity of a multi-walled carbon nanotube to form a core-shell nanowire, which is then used to build a rechargeable battery to observe the in-situ electrochemical lithiation-delithiation process. The results show that the encapsulation of Co9S8 within a closed carbon nanotube has prevented its pulverization during expansion-contraction cycles. (2) Nano-structured materials have played important roles in solution processed solar cells. As an example, the synthesis of rutile TiO2 nanorod array and its application as photoanode for dye-sensitized solar cells will be discussed. Furthermore, the improvement of the efficiency of perovskite solar cells by using Nb-doped TiO2 nanorods as photoanode will be presented. 武汉光电论坛是武汉光电国家实验室倾力打造的公益性高端学术系列讲座,共享光电知识盛宴,诚邀您的参与!
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