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来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年12月05日    浏览:



主讲:Prof. Ullrich Scherf

时间:2012年3月15日 10:00-11:30




Ullrich Scherf教授,德国高分子化学家。1988年在德国耶拿大学(Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena)化学系获得博士学位。1990年至2000年加入位于德国美茵茨的马克思-普朗克高分子研究所,在Klaus Muellen教授的研究组从事共轭聚合物的合成研究。2000年,他受聘到波茨坦大学(Universitaet Potsdam)担任教授,并于2002年到乌帕塔尔大学(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal)担任高分子首席教授。Ullrich Scherf教授的主要研究方向为半导体聚合物及大分子的合成及其在OLED、有机固体聚合物激光、有机太阳能电池等方面的应用。他发明了梯形聚合物和全共轭嵌段聚合物,1998年和2011年分别获得Meyer-Struckmann 研究奖和Odysseus Senior Award研究奖,已发表学术论文560多篇,专利14篇和专著3本。


Prof Scherf received his PhD in 1988 at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena, Germany. Then he joined Institut für Tierphysiologie, Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig in 1988 as a postdoctor, and moved to the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz as a group leader in 1990. He became a professor for Polymer Chemistry at the University of Potsdam In 2000 and moved to Macromolecular Chemistry at the University of Wuppertal in 2002. His research interest includes novel polymeric architectures with an active physical function – semiconducting (conjugated) oligomers, polymers and copolymers, rod-rod block copolymers, chiral polymers, microporous polymer networks and macrocycles.

Prof. Scherf is the inventor of ladder conjugated polymers and full conjugated block copolymer. He has 540 publications, 14 patents and three edited books with total citations about 16000 and H-index of 63. He was listed as one of the 50 most cited authors in Materials Science from 2006 to 2009 and one of the "Top 100 Materials Scientists" from 2000 to 2010 according to Thomson-Reuters ranking (26th). He got Meyer-Struckmann Research Award in 1998 and Odysseus Senior Award, FWO, Flanders in 2011.



The lecture will present some recent synthesis driven examples towards systematic control on morphology and optoelectronic properties of conjugated oligomers and (co)polymers. The examples include conjugated (co)polymers for application in organic solar cells, all-conjugated rod-rod block copolymers and their self-assembly in solvent mixtures and in the bulk, as well as hyperbranched, multichromophoric conjugated polymers.
