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来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年12月05日    浏览:

光电论坛第六十六期 用于红外探测的极度非简并非线性光学

主讲:David Hagan



David Hagan于1985年在英格兰爱丁堡的Heriot-Watt University获得了物理学博士学位,1985-87年他在北德州大学和应用量子电子学中心担任研究科学家。1987年他转职到中佛罗里达大学,创办CREOL,现任光学和物理学教授,同时担任大学课程体系(Academic Programs)的副院长。他目前还是美国光学学会(OSA)期刊《Optical Materials Express》的主编和OSA会士。他目前的研究方向包括非线性光学材料特别是半导体和有机物,以及非线性光学表征和光谱学技术。

David Hagan received his PhD degree in Physics at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland in 1985. From 1985 -87 he was a research scientist at the Center for Applied Quantum Electronics and the University of North Texas. He moved to UCF in 1987 as a founding member of the CREOL faculty, where he is currently Professor of Optics and Physics and also serves as Associate Dean for Academic Programs. He is currently Editor in Chief of the OSA journal, Optical Materials Express and a Fellow of OSA. His current research interests include nonlinear optical materials, especially semiconductors and organics, and techniques for nonlinear optical characterization and spectroscopy.




Two-photon absorption (2PA) in semiconductors has long been known to scale as the inverse third power of the energy gap, i.e., which limits the 2PA coefficients available in large gap semiconductors. However it is also known that in the highly nondegenerate case, where the input wavelengths are very different, the 2PA rate can be greatly enhanced over the degenerate case. We have recently verified this for several direct gap semiconductors in pump-probe transmission experiments with femtosecond and picosecond pulses, where we showed that, in many direct-gap semiconductors, nondegenerate 2PA coefficients are enhanced approximately 100-fold over the degenerate case. In GaAs, we observed 2PA coefficients around 1 cm/MW. Coefficients this large were previously only observed in narrow-gap semiconductors such as InSb.
Based on this effect, one may obtain sensitive gated detection using conventional semiconductor photodiodes. We have demonstrated this with standard GaN and GaAs photodiodes using extreme non-degenerate photon pairs with up to 14:1 energy ratio. We can also detect weak IR radiation by employing intense UV gating pulses. The minimum detected IR pulse energy in GaN is as low as 20 pJ energy while for a standard cooled MCT detector, the minimum detectable energy is 200 pJ. We have also now demonstrated cw detection using this method. It is worth noting that this process does not use IR crystals or phase-matching, as employed by c(2) upconversion detection. In this talk, will show how this detection scales to other semiconductors and how one may optimize device geometries for practical detection.
