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来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年12月12日    浏览:
光电论坛第七十三期 基于垂直腔的通信波段短脉冲源

主讲:Dr. Jean-Louis OUDAR, Laboratory for Photonics and Nanostructures of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France


Jean-Louis Oudar 博士1971毕业于巴黎综合理工学院(Ecole Polytechnique),1977年在巴黎大学获得物理学博士学位。博士毕业进入法国国家电信研究院(CNET)从事凝聚态中的光学非线性现象研究:增强有机化合物中光学非线性,开发了非线性有机材料的分子工程生长工艺这一国际公认的前沿性工作。1979年作为访问科学家于加州伯克利大学物理部从事基于四波混频的非线性光谱学新技术研究。在法国国家电信研究院(CNET)和法国电信研发中心,Jean-Louis进行了III-V族半导体微结构中的超快动态非线性效应、微腔量子光学、以及光学双稳态和光开关器件研发工作。2000年加入新成立的法国国家科学研究中心光子学与纳米结构实验室(CNRS-LPN),担任电信光电子器件研究团队(PHOTEL)的研究主任,承担多项法国及国际合作项目。主要从事纳米光子学器件-超快饱和吸收体在全光再生中的应用、微流系统中半导体光源、1.55微米垂直腔表面发射激光器锁模产生超短窄脉冲等研究。
Dr. Jean-Louis Oudar graduated from Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, in 1971 and received the Doctorate es-Science degree in Physics from the University of Paris in 1977. Since joining the Centre National dEtudes des Telecommunications (CNET), he has worked on nonlinear optical phenomena in condensed matter: studying the enhanced optical nonlinearities of organic compounds, he developed the basis of a molecular engineering approach for nonlinear organic materials, an internationally recognized pioneering work. In 1979 he spent a year as a visiting scientist at the Physics Department of Berkeley University, where he worked on new techniques of nonlinear spectroscopy based on four-wave mixing. Then at CNET and France Telecom R&D, his research has been conducted on the ultrafast dynamic nonlinearities of III-V semiconductor microstructures, quantum optics of microcavities, and the development of optical bistable and switching devices. In 2000, he joined the newly created Laboratory for Photonics and Nanostructures of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS-LPN), where he has leaded the Photonic Devices for Telecommunications group. His present research interests include fast saturable absorber nanophotonic devices for all-optical regeneration, semiconductor light sources for optofluidic systems, short pulse generation and mode-locking phenomena in semiconductor lasers, including 1.55µm wavelength vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers.
Optical devices based on vertical microcavities offer an easy access to optical signals, propagated either in free space or in optical fibres, which presents a serious advantage when cost-related packaging issues are considered.
In addition, vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers (also called semiconductor disk lasers) combine advantageous characteristics of solid state lasers and of semiconductor lasers, and therefore constitute an interesting approach for developing new compact laser sources.

After a short state-of the-art review on vertical-cavity-based short pulse sources, I shall present some recent results obtained in our group for the generation of sub-ps optical pulses at 1.55 µm wavelength. This source relies on the association of an InP-based vertical external cavity surface emitting laser (VECSEL) and a GaAs-based semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM).
