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光电论坛第40期:飞秒激光和细胞的相互作用 Experimental Interactions of

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年12月05日    浏览:


飞秒激光和细胞的相互作用 Experimental Interactions of

主讲:陈锦泰教授(Prof. Kam Tai CHAN )

时间:2010年6月 30 日,下午2:30-3:30




Laser technologies have advanced rapidly in recent years and in fact have been applied in many applications such as eye surgery and optical coherence tomography in medicine. In particular, femtosecond (fs) lasers can also be used to study the fundamental processes within live cells. Femtosecond lasers possess unique features that are not achievable with other lasers. It induces minimal, if any, damage to the cell under study because it can generate much less linear absorption and heat than CW lasers. Besides, due to their high peak power, fs lasers can generate multi-photon ionization within cells and thus can perforate the cell membrane to enable transfection and cell fusion to take place, apparently without harming the cells. In this talk, I shall report our studies in transfection and cell fusion and the dynamics during cellular apoptosis introduced by fs beams. We propose probable mechanisms for the generation of reactive oxygen species, nuclear tubules and free calcium at the cellular level triggered by the fs beam.

报告人简介Introduction to the speaker

陈锦泰教授于香港大学电机工程系获取学士学位,在前往美国继续深造前从事工程师工作。他于1986年春天从康奈尔大学应用物理系博士毕业,研究方向是GaAs/InP材料的MOCVD的生长及光电器件的加工。在康奈尔大学简短的博士后工作之后,他于1986年加入了位于加州Santa Rosa的惠普公司。在那里,他主要研究GaAs/GaInAs的MBE生长和HEMT器件。他于1992年返回香港,并开始于香港中文大学任教。现在他是电子工程系教授,生物医学工程课程主任,以及光电子研究中心主任。此前他的研究领域主要是:GaAs波导,调制器,光纤激光器,高重复率超快激光,全光转换,光CDMA,和基于光纤的量子密钥分配。现在他的研究领域主要是:飞秒脉冲作用于掺杂GaAs材料产生THz波,在THz波段的等离子体器件,飞秒光致细胞转基因和细胞融合。他希望在下一阶段的研究中集中于光子生物学和THz等离子体的交叉领域。

Prof. Kam Tai CHAN graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Hong Kong and worked as an engineer for some years before going to US for further studies. He joined Cornell University’s Applied Physics Department for his PhD study and graduated in 1986 spring. His thesis was about MOCVD growth of GaAs/InP materials and fabrication of optoelectronic devices. After a brief postdoctoral fellowship at Cornell, he joined HP in Santa Rosa, CA, in mid-1986, where he did research on MBE growth of GaAs/GaInAs and HEMT devices. He returned to Hong Kong in Jan. 1992 to take up a faculty position in Chinese University of Hong Kong and has stayed there ever since. Currently, he is a professor in Department of Electronic Engineering, Director of Biomedical Engineering Programme and Director of Center for Advanced Research in Photonics. His previous research areas at Chinese University of Hong Kong have been GaAs waveguides, modulators, fiber lasers, high repetition rate and ultrafast lasers, all-optical regeneration, optical CDMA and quantum key distribution over fiber networks. More recently, he has started work on THz wave generation by irradiating implanted GaAs materials with femtosecond laser pulses, plasmonic devices in the THz range, cell transfection and cell fusion enabled by femtosecond laser light. He hopes to combine THz plasmonics with biophotonics in the next phase of research.
