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Call for Papers -- the SPIE BioPhotonics Australasia

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年03月15日    浏览:

SPIE BioPhotonics Australasia会议将于2016年10月16-19日在澳大利亚阿德莱德举行。


摘要截至日2016年4月18日。Call for Papers请见附件。


You are invited to submit abstracts and attend the SPIE BioPhotonics Australasia meeting in Adelaide, Australia Oct 16-19 2016.


At its heart, SPIE BioPhotonics Australasia will provide an opportunity for a broad-ranging exploration of the use of interactions between light and biological systems, and applications of these approaches to provide advances in biomedicine and imaging.

SPIE BioPhotonics Australasia will connect people across scientific disciplines. The meeting will incorporate presentation and discussion of science in plenaries, themed sessions, speed science discussions, and industry engagement forums. The meeting will engage trainees to researcher leaders, chemists to biologists to clinicians to physicists, and academics, industry, and policy makers. A goal of this meeting will be for every attendee to have had the opportunity to engage one-on-one with someone outside their science discipline and outside their respective industry (academia/industry/policy). Many new transdisciplinary and translational collaborations and long-lived friendships will be forged.

Papers will be accepted in the following three broad areas:


Generating and harnessing light to image and sense; detect and manipulate biological systems.

Medical Imaging

Fluorescent nanomaterials have enormous potential as nanoscale light sources and sensors operating as beacons within biological environments. These are changing the way biological systems can be studied and stretching the fundamental limits of detection.

Fibre Sensing

Advanced optical bres have the ability to change the way in which light is delivered to/from nano-environments.

Call for Papers:bau16-call-lr