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能源光电学术论坛 (第15期)

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2018年06月27日    浏览:

Fluorescent Sensing and Logic Systems


时 间:201872日(星期一) 9:30 — 10:30

地 点:武汉光电国家研究中心A302

报告人:A.P de Silva 教授 (Queen's University Belfast)

邀请人:胡玥 副教授

One of the main principles underlying fluorescent sensors is based on PET (photoinduced electron
transfer), according to which a switching ‘on’ of fluorescence in response to chemical and
biochemical analytes can be designed. Since its generalization in Colombo, Sri Lanka, it has now
grown to involve 500 laboratories around the world. Some of these sensor systems are serving in
critical care units in hospitals and in ambulances, performing blood diagnostics. These form the
basis of a half-billion-dollar industry. Other sensors visualize intracellular players. Yet others map
species distributions in nanometric spaces near membranes. These spaces are too small for the
tiniest silicon-based wireless devices to enter. Our introduction of molecular logic gates from Belfast,
Northern Ireland, allows us to build more complex sensors and micro-object identification systems.
More complex logic operations and even human-scale computations, e.g. edge detection of objects
and outline drawing, are now achieved by molecular systems. 710 laboratories have contributed to
this field so far. A short video is available at www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLGnZDP5Ecg。

A.P de Silva 教授,任教于贝尔法斯特女王大学,是国际上有重要影响的知名科学家,主要研究领域是有机
1993年首次创新地提出具有分子属性的逻辑门,首次提出用光诱导电子转移机制PET (photoinduced electron transfer)设计荧光探针分子,得到了极为广泛的应用;其实验室开发的医用血液分析仪被
Optimedical Inc.公司购买,产生了1亿美元的市场价值。曾获得2008年英国皇家学会Sensors award。在
Nature, Nature Nano, Nature Materials, Chem Rev等发表多篇高水平论文, 2013年出版专著《分子逻辑计
算》 ,