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来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2011年12月31日    浏览:

2011首届光电国家实验室“ 光电子器件与集成功能实验室”学术年会

1st Annual Meeting on Optoelectronic Devices and Integration (OEDI 2011)

Saturday, January 7, 2012, A101, 1st Floor, WNLO

09:00 to 10:45, Chair: Prof. Xinliang Zhang

09:00-09:15 OEDI2011 Annual Meeting Opening Ceremony

09:15-10:00 [OEDI-1] Recent Development on Fiber-Optic Telecommunication

Networks: Challenge, Opportunity and Our Work on Integrated Photonic

and Optoelectronic DeviceTutorial,李洵

10:00-10:30 [OEDI-2] 空分复用和模分复用技术进展Invited,刘文

10:30-10:45 [OEDI-3]
Multiwavelength Brillouin-Erbrium Fiber Laser Assisted by

Multiple Four Wave Mixing Processes,唐健冠

10:45-11:05 Coffee/Tea Break

SESSION 2, 11:05 to 11:50, Chair: Prof. Xun Li

11:05-11:35 [OEDI-4] 基于半导体光放大器的全光信号处理Invited,张新亮

11:35-11:50 [OEDI-5]

11:50-14:00 Lunch Break

SESSION 3, 14:00 to 15:45, Chair: Prof. Wen Liu

14:00-14:30 [OEDI-6] Fabrication and Performance Study of Two-Segment

Semiconductor Optical AmplifiersInvited黄黎蓉

14:30-15:00 [OEDI-7] 高速光通信网络中啁啾可控激光器的研究进展Invited,奚燕萍

15:00-15:15 [OEDI-8] 双电极反射式半导体光放大器性能的理论与实验研究,习华丽

15:15-15:30 [OEDI-9] Slab-Coupled Waveguide and Its Application on SOA/SLD,朱仲书

15:30-15:45 [OEDI-10] A Tunable DBR Laser Based on a Sampled Grating Reflector

and an Interleaved Sampled Grating Reflector for Wide Wavelength Tuning

Range and Easy Fabrication,王皓

15:45-16:05 Coffee/Tea Break

SESSION 4, 16:05 to 17:20, Chair: Prof. Junqiang Sun

[OEDI-11] 硅基光学微腔器件及半导体工艺Invited,黄庆忠

16:35-16:50 [OEDI-12] 电子束曝光技术,张永

16:50-17:05 [OEDI-13] Proposal for Efficient Difference Frequency Generation of
Terahertz Wave in AlGaAs Photonic Crystal Waveguide

17:05-17:20 [OEDI-14] Ultra Long-Range Surface Plasmom-Polariton Modes with

Tightly Confined Field Guided by Multi-Layer Thin-Films at 1550nm,王文涛

Sunday, January 8, 2012, A101, 1st Floor, WNLO

09:00 to 10:30, Chair: Prof. Yonglin Yu

09:00-09:30 [OEDI-15] 通信用纳米尺度雪崩光电二极管的研究新进展Invited赵彦立

09:30-10:00 [OEDI-16] Al组分AlGaN基深紫外探测器材料生长研究进展Invited方妍妍

10:00-10:15 [OEDI-17]

10:15-10:30 [OEDI-18] 基于纳米压印的GaN基光子晶体LED的研究,孙堂友

10:30-10:50 Coffee/Tea Break

SESSION 6, 10:50 to 11:50, Chair: Prof. Tao Wang

10:50-11:20 [OEDI-19] VO2金属绝缘相变及光电器件应用研究进展Invited,陈长虹

11:20-11:35 [OEDI-20]
Characteristics of Microbolometer Integrated into Gold Black
Absorbing Layer

[OEDI-21] 新型激光扫描器研究,陈巍

11:50-14:00 Lunch Break

SESSION 7, 14:00 to 15:00, Chair: Prof. Changhong Chen

14:00-14:30 [OEDI-22] 基于非对称耦合波导结构的快慢光传输Invited,施雷

14:30-14:45 [OEDI-23] High Delay-Bandwidth Product and Wideband Slow Light in

2011首届光电国家实验室“ 光电子器件与集成功能实验室”学术年会

1st Annual Meeting on Optoelectronic Devices and Integration (OEDI 2011)

Ellipse-Hole Photonic Crystal Waveguide,徐亚萌

14:45-15:00 [OEDI-24] 硅基一维光栅结构的宽带低色散慢光,鲍昌晶

JOINT POSTER SESSION, 15:00 to 18:00, A101, 1st Floor, WNLO

POSTER 统一张贴时间和地点: 11:50-14:00, A101, 1st Floor, WNLO

张贴POSTER的同学,请注意时间,要求在8号中午12:00至下午14:00这段时间将各自的POSTER贴在对应的编号位置!制作好的POSTER届时会放置在会议室A101。做张贴报告的同学在15:00 to 18:00这段时间内必须在展板旁接受来访者的交流和讨论,否则取消评奖资格。

JOINT POSTER SESSION, 15:00 to 18:00, A101, 1st FLOOR WNLO

2011首届光电国家实验室“ 光电子器件与集成功能实验室”学术年会

1st Annual Meeting on Optoelectronic Devices and Integration (OEDI 2011)

[OEDI-36] 吴斌,SOA+DI码型转换串扰分析

[OEDI-25] 张强,Theoretical Analysis for Optical Bistability in Coupled Active Microring

[OEDI-26] 陈开胜,Argon Plasma Enhanced Quantum Well Intermixing

[OEDI-27] 张吉化,表面等离子体极元的数值仿真

[OEDI-28] 罗博文,基于相位调制和线性滤波的多功能多信道光学微分器

[OEDI-29] 赵平,Modelling of Bragg Grating in Subwavelength-Diameter Fiber Taper

[OEDI-30] 吴朝,Chromatic Dispersion Monitoring Using Four-Wave Mixing in Semiconductor Optical Amplifier

[OEDI-31] 邹冰融,All-Optical Format Conversion from RZ-DQPSK to NRZ-DQPSK

向磊,An Ultra-compact DP-DQPSK Demodulator Based on Multimode Interference and Photonic Crystals

[OEDI-33] 黄喜,Acceleration of Carrier Recovery in Asymmetric Quantum-Well Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers due to Tunneling Effect

[OEDI-34] 于源,Ultra-wideband Pulse Generation Based on Cascaded Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers

[OEDI-35] 吴文涵,基于SOARZ-DQPSK信号幅度再生

[OEDI-37] 雷蕾,Ultrafast Reconfigurable Photonic Full-Adder and Full-Subtractor Based on Three-Input XOR Gate and Logic Minterms

[OEDI-38] 覃翠,Gain Recovery Acceleration by Enhancing Differential Gain in Quantum Well Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers

[OEDI-39] 胡守金,基于全光纤系统的脉冲压缩

[OEDI-40] 陈韡,Analysis of Direct Intensity Modulated or Frequency Modulated Widely Tunable SGDBR Lasers from Transmission Line Laser Model

[OEDI-41] 董珊,Impact Ionization in Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors with Different Number of Periods

[OEDI-42] 唐怡超,Digital Concatenated Grating Fabricated by Nanoimprint Lithography

[OEDI-43] 赵家霖,Design of High Channel-Count Comb Filter Based on Digital Concatenated Grating with Multiple Phase Shifts (MPS-DCG)

[OEDI-44] 赵桑之,Numerical Simulation of Properties of Combined First- and Second-Order DFB Grating Surface-Emitting Laser

[OEDI-45] 王智浩,纳米压印技术改进

[OEDI-46] 王磊,纳米压印制作微纳光栅及其应用

[OEDI-47] 张进,The Influence of AlN Buffer Layer Thickness Grown by Pulsed Atomic Layer Epitaxy on the Properties of GaN Epilayer

2011首届光电国家实验室“ 光电子器件与集成功能实验室”学术年会

1st Annual Meeting on Optoelectronic Devices and Integration (OEDI 2011)

[OEDI-48] 张伟,Low-Resistance Ohmic Contacts to Plasma Etched n-Al0.48Ga0.52N

[OEDI-49] 李森林,The Effects of Growth Temperature of the Pulse Atomic Layer Epitaxy AlN Films Grown on Sapphire by MOCVD

[OEDI-50] 陈圣昌,蓝宝石衬底上高质量AlN/AlGaN超晶格的优化生长研究

[OEDI-51] 李洋,高Al组分AlGaNn型掺杂研究

[OEDI-52] 田武,The Effects of Polarization on the Intersubband Transition of AlxGa1-xN/GaN Multi-Quantum Wells

[OEDI-53] 熊辉,基于高Al组分AlGaN紫外探测器的研究

[OEDI-54] 袁小文,微区角分辨光谱系统搭建及新型光子晶体能带结构研究

[OEDI-55] 张印,Reconfigurable and Scalable Photonic Basic Logic Building Blocks.

[OEDI-56] 杜鸣笛,谐振腔增强结构的THz混频器

[OEDI-57] 秦毅,基于级联马赫-曾德尔电光调制器的60GHz光载毫米波传输系统的研究

[OEDI-58] 谭慷,适用于多脉冲形状、多调制格式、多用户接入、长距离高容量传输的超宽带信号光子学产生方案的研究

[OEDI-59] 李林森,基于半导体微环的UWB脉冲产生

[OEDI-60] 桂成程,Achieving Wide-Band High Birefringence, Large Nonlinearity and Low Dispersion Using Variable-Spiral Soft Glass Photonic Crystal Fibers

[OEDI-61] 李越,Active Photon Bandgap Bragg Structure Slow Light

[OEDI-62] 李小明,A Novel Photonic Crystal Waveguide Based Symmetric-Mach-Zehnder
-Type Ultrafast All-Optical Switch Using Quantum Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifier

[OEDI-63] 郁春潮,Ultrafast All-Optical Switch in Bragg-Spaced Quantum Well Contained Uniform QDs

[OEDI-64] 邱新友,A Novel Planar Waveguide Optical Power Splitter

Optical 90o Hybrid Based on InP 4X4 Multimode Interference Coupler

徐成植,40 Gbit/s Electroabsorption Modulator Integrated Laser Module with Built-in Driver IC

周一帆,Study on Large Concave Mirror Fabrication with Isotropic Etching of Silicon

黄章立,Low Transition-Temperature Characteristic in VOX Films Grown on Si3N4/Glass Substrates

李玉莲,Effects of Gamma Irradiation on the Optical Properties of InGaN Light-Emitting Diodes
