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第19期 武汉光电青年论坛:基于异质集成的非线性光子学

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2019年01月04日    浏览:

时 间:2019年1月10日10:00-11:30

地 点:武汉光电国家研究中心A101

报 告 人:常林博士,加州大学圣芭芭拉分校

邀 请 人:王健 教授



英文:Heterogeneous integration for nonlinear photonics


我将介绍在硅基上基于异质键合技术的非线性集成光学平台,展示基于砷化镓(GaAs)和铝砷化镓(AlGaAs)的世界上最高效的倍频器件,以及超低阈值的产生光梳的谐振腔。该平台同时兼容了传统的三五族半导体有源器件和有着超高效率的非线性器件,为实现革命性的非线性集成光路开辟了道路。同时,我也将介绍我们基于其他各种先进的非线性材料的工作,如利用氮化硅(SiN)和铌酸锂(LiNbO3)产生的各类非线性效应等。利用这些世界领先的器件,我们团队完成了世界上第一个基于集成光学的光频合成器(frequency synthesizer),在通信频域实现了精度为10-15的频率控制。同时,我将展望未来在该平台上的各类非线性系统以及量子系统的巨大前景和发展方向。

I would like to introduce integrated nonlinear platforms we recently developed based on heterogeneous wafer bonding technology. Nonlinear devices with the record high efficiency of second harmonic generation and extremely low threshold for frequency comb generation have been demonstrated on (Al)GaAs on insulator platform. Such platform combines the state of the art nonlinear devices with the III-V semiconductor active devices, paving the way to a revolutionary nonlinear photonic integrated circuits (PICs). In the meanwhile, I will also talk about other nonlinear platforms we developed by using materials such as LiNbO3 and SiN. With those advanced devices, our teams demonstrated the first optical frequency synthesizer based on integrated photonics, which enabled the generation of an optical frequency with stability ~10-15 across telecom band. I will also give an outlook of the nonlinear PICs in the future and the potential applications in quantum areas.

报告人简介(Biography) :

常林来自于加州大学圣芭芭拉分校,目前在John Bowers教授领导的光电集成的课题组里攻读博士学位。他主要致力于集成光路,特别是非线性集成光路方向的研究。在基于砷化镓(GaAs)和铌酸锂(LiNO3)在绝缘体的平台上,成功实现了各类高效的非线性器件。这些先进的非线性的平台为实现全集成的非线性光路以及未来的量子光路打开了大门。在系统层面,他参与了世界上第一个基于集成光学的光频合成器的研发,并成功实现了通信波段内稳定度高达10-15的频率控制。目前为止,他已在Nature,Laser Photonics Review, Physics Review Letters, Optica 等顶级期刊上发表文章十余篇。同时也在许多业内顶级会议如CLEO和IPC上给与特邀报告。

Dr. Lin Chang is from Electrical and Computer Engineering department, University of California, Santa Barbara, working in the optoelectronics research group headed by Prof. John Bowers. Lin’s research primarily focuses on the development of photonic integrated circuits, especially the integrated nonlinear photonic devices. He successfully demonstrated many state of the art high efficient nonlinear photonic applications using heterogeneous bonding technology in both Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) and Lithium Niobate (LN) on insulator platforms. The device demonstrations on these platforms have opened the door to a revolutionary nonlinear integrated photonic circuits (PICs) and are poised to enable quantum PICs in the near future. In system level, Lin played key role in the developmental work of the first optical synthesizer based on integrated photonics. The synthesizer is exceptionally stable across the telecommunication C-band. Many applications of optical-frequency sources could benefit from the high-precision optical synthesis presented here. Leveraging high-volume semiconductor processing built around advanced materials could allow such low-cost, low-power and compact integrated-photonics devices to be widely used. Lin has published over 10 refereed international papers in top journals including Nature, Laser Photonics Review, Physics review letters, Optica... He has given invited/postdeadline talks in many top international conferences like Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC).