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第23期 武汉光电青年论坛:胶原蛋白无创交联机理、检测及应用

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2019年07月02日    浏览:

时 间:2019年7月5日 9:30-11:00

地 点:光电国家研究中心 A301

报 告 人:王超, 哥伦比亚大学/哥伦比亚大学/哥伦比亚大学医学部眼科中心

邀 请 人:曹祥东 博士


Collagen noninvasive crosslinking mechanism, characterization and applications


报告摘要 (Abstract):

近视眼在过去的50年里有着急剧增长的患病率。目前患病率在欧美国家大约为50年前的两倍;在东亚地区国家更为严重。作为一种常见的眼科流行病,眼镜和隐形眼镜仍然是主要对抗手段。随着科技的发展,哥伦比亚大学医学中心Steven Trokel教授团队率先提出了激光屈光矫正手术。然而,该手术会对角膜自然形态和生理条件造成永久性破坏,同时也会伴随许多术后副作用。基于激光-角膜接触反应的新模型,我们提出了一种新型无创激光屈光矫正技术。其主要原理是通过低密度等离子激发活性氧基团,所产生的活性氧基团随之与邻近的蛋白质发生反应,产生新的交联。所引发的交联会对角膜组织内部胶原蛋白重塑,并改善其生物力学性能。通过离体猪眼模型和活体兔模型,我们成功改变了角膜的屈光特性,进而对视力进行了改善。此外,基于我此前通过拉曼光谱检测早期骨关节炎检测的技术,我们将上述交联模型运用到了早期骨关节炎治疗中,为广大患者带来了福音。

The prevalence of myopia has increased worldwide over the last 50 years. Its incidence in the United States and Europe is now almost twice that 50 years ago, and it is even more prevalent in East Asia. Spectacles and contact lenses remain the most common means of vision correction, but the permanent correction of refractive errors, by refractive surgery, has emerged as an attractive alternative. However, such surgery is an invasive procedure that may compromise corneal structure, and post-surgical complications have been reported. We propose a novel, non-invasive approach to permanent vision correction based on a different mode of laser–cornea interaction. Our approach induces the formation of a low-density plasma that produces reactive oxygen species, which react with the surrounding proteins, forming crosslinks and triggering spatially resolved changes in mechanical properties. We show that the proposed method changes the refractive power of the eye, and confirm its safety and stability. Furthermore, together with the research of Raman characterization of early stage osteoarthritis, the proposed novel technique was also applied to provide new treatment options.



Chaois currently a PhD candidate in Columbia University and Columbia University Medical Center's Eye Institute. His research interest is novel noninvasive collagen crosslinking mechanism, characterization and applications. One of the most important applications is noninvasive vision correction, and this work has been published as cover article on Nature Photonics.