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来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2019年08月02日    浏览:



武汉光电国家研究中心的李鹏程教授、陆锦玲副教授及俞婷婷副研究员也应邀参加本次会议。会上,朱䒟教授、李鹏程教授分别作题为Optical clearing skull window for cortical neural and vascular imaging”Laser speckle techniques for functional optical imaging ”的邀请报告,陆锦玲副教授及俞婷婷副研究员分别以Resting-state brain functional connectivity accessed by neural and hemodynamic optical imaging”、“FDISCO: advanced solvent-based clearing method for imaging whole organs”作口头报告。


Prof. Dan Zhu from WNLO led the team to attend VII International Symposium ‘Topical Problems of Biophotonics-2019’ & ‘Russian-Chinese Workshop on Biophotonics’

The VII International Symposium "Topical Problems Of Biophotonics – 2019" (TPB-2019) & ‘Russian-Chinese Workshop on Biophotonics’ was held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia from July 27 through July 31, 2019. It is organized by the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Privolzhskiy Research Medical University as a continuation of the previous TPB symposia held biannually from 2007 through 2017 that attracted leading experts in the field of biophotonics from around the world. The topics of the conference include Optical Bioimaging, Biophotonics in Cancer and Stem Cells Research, Clinical Biophotonics.

As the Chair of ’Russian-Chinese Workshop on Biophotonics’ from Chinese side, Prof. Dan Zhu led a team with a dozen of experts in biophotonics from Tsinghua Univeristy, Zhejiang University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen University, Xiamen University and so on to attend the conference and communicate with the Russia delegation. This has laid a foundation for further in-depth cooperation between China and Russia in the future.

Prof. Pengcheng Li, Associate Prof. Jinling Lu and Associate Researcher Tingting Yu from Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics also attended the conference. Prof. Dan Zhu and Pengcheng Li gave invited talks titled ‘Optical clearing skull window for cortical neural and vascular imaging’, ‘Laser speckle techniques for functional optical imaging’, respectively. And Associate Prof. Jinling Lu and Associate Researcher Tingting Yu gave oral presentations titled ‘Resting-state brain functional connectivity accessed by neural and hemodynamic optical imaging’, ‘FDISCO: advanced solvent-based clearing method for imaging whole organs’.