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POEM 2014会议论文已被EI检索

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2015年04月09日    浏览:

武汉光电国家实验室(筹)承办的第六届国际光子与光电子学会议(POEM 2014)于20146月在武汉圆满谢幕。经过会议技术委员会紧张严格的评审,此次会议接收了200篇论文,会后共有160篇录入OSA(美国光学学会)光学数据库并由EI检索。

1.Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, OEDI 2014
Source: Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, OEDI 2014, 297p, June 18, 2014; ISBN-10: 1557522774; Conference: Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, OEDI 2014, June 18, 2014 - June 21, 2014; Sponsor: OSA; Publisher: Optical Society of America (OSA)

Abstract: This proceedings contains 112 papers. OSA topical meeting OEDI addresses all aspects of optoelectronic devices and integration from concepts, design, modeling, fabrication and characterization of micro/nano-photonic devices and integration to optical communication, optical signal processing, and optical network applications. Topics of interest in this conference includes silicon photonics, surface plasma and plasmonics, optoelectronic devices, nonlinear optical devices, polymer devices, radio over fiber related devices, free-space communications related devices, optoelectronic monolithic integration and hybrid integration. Special emphasis are given to optical communication and optical signal processing applications such as nano technologies, optical interconnection, optical network subsystems, microwave photonics, radio over fiber subsystems, nonlinear all-optical signal processing, and free-space communications. The key terms of this proceedings include optical transmitter, plasmon polariton waveguides, solar energy harvesting scheme, silicon solar cells, photonic crystal nanocavity, OCDMA networks, microscopic super resolution, fluorescence sensor, visible spectrum, chirp technique.
Database: Compendex

2.Fiber-Based Technologies and Applications, FBTA 2014
Source: Fiber-Based Technologies and Applications, FBTA 2014, 231p, June 18, 2014; ISBN-10:1557522774; Conference: Fiber-Based Technologies and Applications, FBTA 2014, June 18, 2014 - June 21, 2014; Sponsor: OSA; Publisher: Optical Society of America (OSA)

Abstract: This proceedings contains 88 papers. Fiber based technologies and applications (FBTA) OSA topical meeting addresses all aspects of optical fibers from fundamental material, design, fabrication and cabling, specialty fibers, linear and nonlinear properties of fibers, fiber devices and its applications such as fiber gratings, fiber amplifiers, fiber lasers and fiber sensors, etc. The meeting topics cover theoretical and experimental research and developments of optical fibers, fiber materials, fiber devices and the applications in communications, lasers, amplifiers and sensing. Special emphasis given to innovative specialty fiber designs, fabrications, and applications covering visible, IR and THz spectrum. The key terms of this proceedings include nanomechanical optical fibres, photonic crystal fiber, refractive index sensing, fiber amplifiers, optical parametric oscillator, coherent scanning technique, resistive switching, plasmonic waveguide structures, tunable optical transmitter, optical signal processing.
