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来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2011年06月10日    浏览:

The Photoswitching Nanoparticles
报告人:Alexander D. Q. Li教授Prof. Alexander D. Q. Li

Alexander D. Q. Li, Professor
Department of Chemistry化学
Washington State University华盛顿州立大学
教授于1984年在吉林大学化学系获理学学士学位,同年赴美留学,于1986年和1990年在美国西北大学化学系Tobin Marks实验室获得理学博士学位。此后,他获得美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室主任基金资助从事材料组装与分子工程博士后研究,继而成为该实验室研究科学家/独立PI,主要从事材料化学合成与应用。2000年李教授从国家实验室转到华盛顿州立大学,任职化学和材料科学副教授(2000-2006)和教授(2006-至今)。李教授先后获得2007年美国太平洋西北国家实验室Honorary Fellowship,2003 Arnold and Mabel Beckman Young Investigator (BYI) award,1995 R&D 100 Award—International Awards Program Honors Technology That Benefits Society—for the Development of Microsensor for Volatile Organic Compounds,以及1990 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Director's Fellowship。现为美国化学会会员,材料研究学会和美国AAAS会员。他在刺激响应性纳米材料和人工合成荧光DNA分子折叠与组装方面的研究取得丰硕成果,发表过100多篇学术论文,其中在Nature Mater、JACS发表原创论文 20多篇。
Li received his BS in chemistry from the Jilin University 1984, and subsequently earned his PhD in inorganic chemistry from Northwestern University, IN, USA in 1990. He joined Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1990 with the aid of LANL director’s Fellowship first as postdoctoral research fellow and to Senior Research Staff/Principal Investigator in 1993. In 2000 he joined Washington State University (Pullman, WA) as associate professor of chemistry and full professor of chemistry and materials science in 2006.
Among the themes of our research are stimulus responsive nanoparticles and biological-synthetic hybrid foldambers. Accordingly, one emphasis is to integrate biological functionalities into synthetic nanosystems using molecular self-organization principles. The goals are to create smart systems that may function as biosensors, nanoactuators, or digital nanocomputers. Successfully harvesting the knowledge of how biosystems function could have large impact and enable innovative technologies about chemical synthesis. Another research area aims at constructing nanostructured materials including polymer nanoparticles and hybrid quantum dot core-organic shell nanoparticles. The research interests here range from electronic or photonic materials to molecular recognition and stimulus responsive properties, for example thermosensitive gold nanoparticles and reversibly photoswitchable fluorescent nanoparticles. The goals are to realize our design principles and synthesize new materials with interesting chemical, physical, or biological properties. Our philosophy is to use novel methods to construct smart macromolecules, with an emphasis on molecular design and innovative approaches to demonstrate new concepts, principles, and applications in the chemical, physical, and biological sciences.
Photosensitive fluorescent probes become powerful tools in chemical biology and molecular biophysics, which are used to investigate cellular processes with high temporal and spatial resolution. Accordingly, photosensitive fluorescent probes, including photoactivatable, photoconvertible, and photoswitchable fluorophores, have been extensively developed during the past decade because they highlight cellular events clearly. Photoswitchable fluorophores include photoswitchable fluorescent proteins, photoswitchale fluorescent organic molecules (dyes) and photoswitchable fluorescent nanoparticles. Here we summarize recent advances of using reversibly photoswitchable fluorophores and their applications in innovative bioimaging.

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