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【FOE】Simultaneous generation of nonlinear optical harmonics and terahertz radiation in air: polarization discrimination of various nonlinear contributions

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2015年05月26日    浏览:

Front. Optoelectron. 2015, Vol. 8 Issue (1) : 73-80 DOI: 10.1007/s12200-014-0443-1

Simultaneous generation of nonlinear optical harmonics and terahertz radiation in air: polarization discrimination of various nonlinear contributions

Department of Physics and International Laser Center, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie gory, Moscow 119992, Russia

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In this paper, we experimentally observed generation of the second and the third optical harmonics and the broadband terahertz radiation in the course of 800 nm 120 fs pulse in atmospheric air. The analysis of their polarization properties revealed unity of their nonlinear optical nature. Taking into account only the third-order nonlinear response of the neutral molecules of air, we analytically described the newly generated elliptically polarized 3d harmonic, the linear polarization of terahertz radiation and the stability of terahertz energy yield for the initial circularly polarized ω pump pulse.

Keywords terahertz polarization harmonics nonlinearity
Corresponding Authors: Mikhail ESAULKOV
Online First Date: 31 July 2014 Issue Date: 13 February 2015

Cite this article:
Mikhail ESAULKOV,Olga KOSAREVA,Vladimir MAKAROV, et al. Simultaneous generation of nonlinear optical harmonics and terahertz radiation in air: polarization discrimination of various nonlinear contributions[J]. Front. Optoelectron., 2015, 8(1): 73-80.
