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Semitransparent organic solar cells

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2015年03月27日    浏览:

Front Optoelec 2014, Vol. 7 Issue (1) : 20-27 DOI: 10.1007/s12200-014-0395-5


Semitransparent organic solar cells

Furong ZHU()

Department of Physics and Institute of Advanced Materials, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China

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The organic solar cell technology has attracted great interests due to its potential of low cost solution process capability. Bulk heterojunction organic solar cells offer a potentially much cheaper alternative way to harness solar energy, and can be made flexible and large area. They can also be made translucent and in different colors. As a result, the inexpensive fabrication process such as solution-process techniques, mechanical flexibility, light weight and visible-light transparency features make organic solar technology attractive for application in new markets, such as smart sensors, power generating window panes, building architecture, greenhouses and outdoor lifestyle, etc. After a brief overview of basics of organic photovoltaics, the enhancement of semitransparent organic solar cells over the two competing performance indices of power conversion efficiency and transmittance will be discussed.

Keywords organic photovoltaic transparent electrode optical and optimal design optical admittance analysis

Corresponding Authors: ZHU Furong,Email:frzhu@hkbu.edu.hk

Cite this article:
Furong ZHU. Semitransparent organic solar cells[J]. Front Optoelec, 2014, 7(1): 20-27.
