A new way of making LEDs could see household lighting bills reduced by up to 75% within five years. Gallium Nitride (GaN), a man-made semiconductor used to make LEDs (light emitting diodes), emits bri...
Superconductivity was recently observed in iron-arsenic-based compounds with a superconducting transition temperature (T c) as high as 56 K, naturally raising comparisons with the high-T c copper oxid...
Remarkable new tools that spotlight individual cellular molecules are transforming biomedical research. Scientists at the Gruss Lipper Biophotonics Center at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of...
Tiny disk-shaped lasers as small as a speck of dust could one day beam information through optical computers. Unfortunately, a perfect disk will spray light out, not as a beam, but in all directions. ...
Terahertz cascade lasers are a new family of semi-conductor lasers which emit in the frequency range of the terahertz, or 1012 hertz. Because of their potential applications, they currently raise cons...
A joint team of researchers at CIC nanoGUNE (San Sebastian, Spain) and the Max Planck Institutes of Biochemistry and Plasma Physics (Munich, Germany) report the non-invasive and nanoscale resolved inf...
Using two simultaneous light-based probing techniques at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, a team of researchers has illuminated important details about a class of...