An international team of researchers is taking steps to bridge the gap between nanophotonics and nanomechanics by harnessing the induced near-field force within a nanocavity. Yuchuan Jian at Fudan Un...
Duke University engineers have created a new generation of lens that could greatly improve the capabilities of telecommunications or radar systems to provide a wide field of view and greater detail. ...
"T-rays" may make X-rays obsolete as a means of detecting bombs on terrorists or illegal drugs on traffickers, among other uses, contends a Texas A&M physicist who is helping lay the theoretic groundw...
Faster sequencing of DNA holds enormous potential for biology and medicine, particularly for personalized diagnosis and customized treatment based on each individual's genomic makeup. At present howev...
Abstract The advent of self-referenced optical frequency combs1, 2 has sparked the development of novel areas in ultrafast sciences such as attosecond technology3, 4 and the synthesis of arbitrary opt...
Nanotechnology has already made it to the shelves of your local pharmacy and grocery: nanoparticles are found in anti-odor socks, makeup, makeup remover, sunscreen, anti-graffiti paint, home pregnancy...
Techniques recently invented by researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) -- which allow the real-time, real-space visualization of fleeting changes in the structure of nanoscale...