
Quantum Cascade Lasers: From Mid-infrared to THz
时 间:2015年10月9日10:00-12:00
地 点:武汉光电国家实验室A101
报 告 人:刘峰奇 研究员,中科院半导体研究所
邀 请 人:夏金松 教 授
刘峰奇,研究员,中科院半导体材料科学重点实验室主任,2005年国家杰青,2007年新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选。从事半导体低维材料、物理和器件研究:(1)红外及THz量子级联激光器和量子级联探测器,(2) 半导体量子点(线)材料、物理和器件。将能带工程和应变补偿技术相结合,2000年研制成功室温以上工作的波长3.5-3.57微米的应变补偿量子级联激光器;近年来先后研制出波长4.3-11微米的一系列大功率、低阈值、高光束质量的中远红外量子级联激光器,频率2.9-3.4THz的一系列功率大于1W的THz量子级联激光器,以及中心响应波长4.0-19微米的一系列低噪声、高探测率的中远红外量子级联探测器。最近,研制出正入射响应的量子点级联探测器、量子点级联激光器。曾获国家自然科学奖二等奖等奖励。
Feng-Qi Liu received the M.S. degree in solid state physics from University of Science and Technology of China, in 1990, and the Ph.D.degree in condensed matter physics from Nanjing University, China, in 1996. He joined Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 1996, where his work has concentrated on the MBE-growth of low-dimensional semiconductor materials and the development of high-performance mid-infrared and terahertz quantum cascade lasers.
量子级联激光器(Quantum Cascade Laser,简称QCL)是以半导体低维结构材料为基础、基于量子工程设计的、具有级联特征的、光电性能可调控的中远红外、THz激光器,它是一种基于半导体耦合量子阱子带间电子跃迁的单极性半导体激光器,其特点、优势为:(1) 工作波长由耦合量子阱子带间距决定、可实现波长的大范围剪裁(2.65-300 µm);(2) 有源区由多级耦合量子阱模块串接组成,可实现单电子注入的倍增光子输出而获得大功率;(3) QCL的受激发射过程是发生在子带间,是一种超高速响应的激光器。QCL的小型、大功率、高速响应等特点,使其在环境、医学、缉毒反恐等方面具有广泛的应用。
Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are semiconductor laser sources based on intersubband electron transitions in multiple quantum well systems. Their unique operation principle and good performance have established themselves as the leading tunable coherent semiconductor source in the infrared and terahertz (THz) regimes. Despite eminent improvements obtained in the past years, the development of mid-infrared and THz-QCLs with high power, high efficiency, high spectral performance and good beam quality is still a challenging task. Here, we report some results on design, growth, fabrication, and operation of mid-infrared and THz-QCLs in the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Representative mid-infrared QCLs with high power and small divergence, the first quantum dot cascade laser based on two-step strain compensation active region design, and THz-QCLs with emitting power of > 1 W are demonstrated.
访问此网址可重温2013年以来光电论坛报告视频 http://mooc.chaoxing.com/course/2018895.html
更早期视频参见 http://whof.wnlo.cn/