报告题目:Organic Radicals and Related Organic Electronics
报 告 人:李远,华南理工大学
主 持 人: 周印华 教授
地 点:武汉光电国家实验室(筹)A302
报告简介:Since the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the discovery of conductive polymers in 2000, remarkable progress has been achieved on organic electronic materials and devices, especially for flexible/wearable/biomedical electronics and other emerging research areas. Organic light-emission diodes and organic photovoltaic cells have advantages over conventional displays and solar cells, such as large area, flexibility and wearability. Different from traditional organic semiconductors, the organic molecules based on stable biradicals and phenol-derived radicals are reported to be novel organic semiconductive materials. This talk will be focused on our recent progress on the challenging synthesis of stable biradicals, lignin/phenol-based semiconductors with stable radicals and their novel application in organic electronics, such as pervoskite solar cells.

李远,华南理工大学化学与化工学院副教授。2010在华南理工大学发光材料与器件国家重点实验室获得博士学位, 2010年-2013年在新加坡国立大学化学系从事博士后研究工作,2013年7月开始在华南理工大学化学与化工学院工作。主要研究领域涵盖有机电子学、生物质电子材料与器件。李博士以第一或者通讯作者在Adv. Energy Mater., JACS, Chem. Sci., JMCA, OL, JMCC, ACS Applied Mater. Inter.等知名期刊发表二区以上SCI论文40余篇,申请及授权专利10余项,其中美国专利2项。