Editage/IET作者培训 – 论文写作常见错误分析
2017年3月14日下午3点– 4点
Workshop title: Common Errors in Writing and Submitting Research Papers
Date: Mar 14, 2017
培训简介/Brief description:
本次培训中, Editage专业讲师甘阳教授将与您分享如何有效避免中国作者投稿过程中的常见错误、如何向国际期刊投稿。培训会通过丰富的案例和经验分享帮助作者避免被国际期刊拒稿,助您投稿一臂之力。
In this lecture, the trainer, Prof. Yang Gan, will cover the most common errors that authors, especially Chinese authors, make when writing and submitting research papers to international journals. He will share plenty of examples and quick tips to help the audience not only avoid critical errors leading to rejection without peer review but also make appropriate revisions if requested by peer reviewers.
Part I. 文章被拒的常见错误分析
1.1 文章被拒稿的根本问题: 不专业!High-quality papers look similar, but each sloppy paper shows various unprofessional features!
1.2 文章的脸面: 投稿信要专业! Write a professional cover letter
1.3 《论文写完再认真看一遍,求你了!》
1.4 血的教训-拒稿 Rejection
1.5 我的文章:一审退回重投(Decline and Resubmit)
1.6 避免直接杯具: Is your paper worth your and the peer reviewers’ time?
Part II. 优秀学术论文写作的超快速入门(关注摘要和讨论)
2.1 优秀学术论文的写作和内容要求: Accuracy + Brevity + Clarity (ABC)
2.2 文章写作顺序
2.3 Discussion的写作要点 — what do the results mean?
2.4 摘要—文章的广告(见微知著), 摘要的好坏最能体现作者的整体语言和专业素质
2.5 好文章—图表规范,图注详细
Part III. 国际期刊编辑稿件处理的全过程揭秘+答复信写作
3.1 国际期刊编辑系统的工作界面
3.2 核查作者在出版社的所有记录: 是否重复、切片投稿
3.3 查重: 某国际期刊结果举例
3.4 Rejection without peer review (不送审拒稿): 编辑的“最爱”/作者的“最恨”
3.5 举手表决: 编辑作出不送审拒稿所需的平均时间
3.6 编辑的主要工作:众里寻他千百度, 找合适的审稿人!
3.7 修改稿:应全面答复审稿人的意见
Part IV. 本次培训内容小结 – 如何使你的论文被国际期刊接收
Take-home messages: What gets your manuscript accepted?
培训师介绍/Trainer profile
Prof. Yang Gan, PhD, FRSC
Academic publication trainer, Editage Insights

Prof. Yang Gan has M.E. and Ph.D degrees in materials chemistry and physics from the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Newcastle, Australia, and currently heads the Department of Energy Chemical Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology. His research interests include colloidal and surface chemistry, scanning probe microscopy, nanotribology, controlled drug release with nanomaterials, surface particle deposition and contamination control, and environmental catalysis and photo-electrochemistry. Yang Gan has been an editorial board member for Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) and is currently editorial board member for International Journal of Nanomedicine (Dove Medical Press) and associate editor for RSC Advances. He is the recipient of the biennial Teaching Excellence Award (2015) and Outstanding Faculty Award (2014) at Harbin Institute of Technology, and he co-authored a paper that was recognized with the Frans Habraken Best Paper Award (2014). He has published many journal articles over the past few years—including original research articles, invited reviews, non-referred essays, and book reviews—and has been invited to deliver talks at institutes in China, the USA, the UK, Canada, and Australia.