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来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年12月12日    浏览:
光电论坛第九十期 卟啉纳米技术:探索生物光子学新视角

时 间:2014年12月23日 16:00-18:00

地 点:武汉光电国家实验室A101

报告人:郑 岗 教授,加拿大多伦多大学

邀请人:张智红 教授


郑岗教授是加拿大多伦多大学医学生物物理、生物医学工程以及药学教授,资深科学家,玛格丽特公主癌症中心前列腺癌症研究讲座教授,Techna研究所纳米技术与放射化学方向学科带头人。1999年获美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校药物化学博士学位。其后在Rosewell Park 癌症中心做博后,从事光动力治疗研究。2001年被美国宾夕法尼亚大学聘为放射学助理教授。2006年加入多伦多大学,专注于开发抗肿瘤临床转化技术平台。他现在是10个项目的负责人(总计1500万加元)。2014年起任美国光学学会分子探针以及纳米生物光学技术组主席、美国化学会Bioconjugate Chemistry期刊副主编。

Dr. Zheng is a Professor of Medical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Toronto, a Senior Scientist, the Joey and Toby Tanenbaum/Brazilian Ball Chair in Prostate Cancer Research at the Princess Margaret Cancer Center, and the Scientific Lead for Nanotechnology and Radiochemistry at the Techna Institute. Dr. Zheng received his PhD in 1999 from SUNY Buffalo in Medicinal Chemistry. Following two year postdoctoral training in photodynamic therapy at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, he joined the University of Pennsylvania in 2001 as an Assistant Professor of Radiology, where he established the molecular imaging chemistry program and introduced photodynamic molecular beacons and lipoprotein-like nanoparticles. Since moving to Canada in 2006, his research has been focused on developing clinically translatable technology platform to combat cancer. His lab recently discovered porphysome nanotechnology that opens a new frontier in cancer imaging and therapy, which was named one of the “top 10 cancer breakthroughs of 2011” by the Canadian Cancer Society. He currently serves as the PI for 10 research grants (total $15 million). Since 2014, Dr. Zheng serves as the Chair for the Molecular Probes and Nanobio-Optics Technical Group, the OSA and as an Associate Editor for the Bioconjugate Chemistry.

我们最新发现了卟啉纳米,第一种集多种功能与优良光学特性于一身、全部有机的纳米颗粒。这种纳米颗粒通过卟啉脂质自组装形成一个约100nm 的类脂质体结构,该颗粒上极高的卟啉密度(>80,000 每颗粒)使其能够高效吸收光能并转换成热能,成为理想的光热治疗以及光声成像的载体,也能够进行荧光成像以及光动力治疗。此外, 卟啉纳米也可通过螯合金属离子进行PET和MRI成像。通过改变卟啉脂质组装,我们开发了一系列不同尺寸和生物光学功能的卟啉纳米和微米颗粒,如卟啉纳米碟、卟啉纳米微泡、卟啉微反应器、卟啉-金纳米颗粒等。有别于传统“搭积木”式的多功能纳米载体,卟啉纳米内在的多功能特性和超简单的结构代表了一种全新的纳米颗粒设计概念,具有临床转化的前景。

We recently discovered ‘porphysomes’, the first all-organic nanoparticles with intrinsic multimodal photonic properties. They are self-assembled from porphyrin-lipid building blocks to form liposome-like bilayer vesicle (~100 nm diameter). The very high porphyrin packing density (>80,000 per particle) results in both ‘super’-absorption and structure-dependent ‘super’-quenching, which, in turn, converts light energy to heat with extremely high efficiency, giving them ideal photothermal and photoacoustic properties. Upon porphysome nanostructure dissociation, fluorescence and photoreactivity of free porphyrins are restored to enable low background fluorescence imaging and activatable photodynamic therapy. In addition, metal ions can be directly incorporated into the porphyrin building blocks of the preformed porphysomes thus unlocking their potential for PET and MRI. By changing the way porphyrin-lipid assembles, we developed porphyrin nanodisc (<20 nm), trimodal (us/photoacoustic/fluorescence) porphyrin shell microbubbles (~2 μm), microscopy-controlled porphyrin protocells (~100 μm), and hybrid porphyrin-gold nanoparticles, expanding the purview of porphyrin nanophotonics. compared with classical “all-in-one” nanoparticles containing many functional modules, the simple yet “one-for-all” nature of porphysomes represents a novel approach to the design of multifunctional nanoparticle and confers high potential for clinical translation.
