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来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年12月12日    浏览:
光电论坛第九十二期 聚集诱导发光—从基础研究到光电应用

时 间:2015年1月26日 16:00-18:00

地 点:武汉光电国家实验室A101

报告人:唐本忠 院士,香港科技大学

邀请人:朱明强 教授


唐本忠,香港科技大学 (HKUST) 化学系讲座教授,中国科学院院士。唐教授主要研究兴趣包括高分子化学和材料科学。唐教授实验室致力于创造具有新型结构和功能的光电有机分子和聚合物,及其在光电器件和生物传感等领域的应用。
唐教授出生于湖北潜江,本科毕业于华南理工大学。获京都大学博士学位后,赴多伦多大学从事博士后研究。曾在日本NEOS公司中心实验室高级研究员。1994年7月加入香港科技大学化学系,任助理教授,2008年晋升为讲座教授,2009年当选为中国科学院院士。唐教授曾获国家自然科学奖二等奖,2007年获the Croucher Foundation高级研究奖,被Institute for Scientific Information列入“Most Cited Scientist”,名列汤森路透2014年化学学科和材料科学领域的高引用科学家,2013年被选入皇家化学会会士,第15届亚洲化学大会亚洲先锋,美国化学会出版科学消息撰稿人,皇家化学会Polymer Chemistry副主编,皇家化学会RSC Polymer Chemistry book Series主编,Springer出版社Advances in Polymer Science期刊主编,中科院出版物化学进展副主编。此外还担任若干高分子科学期刊编委。

Ben Zhong Tang is a chair professor of chemistry at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST, Kowloon). His research interests include polymer chemistry and materials science. His research group is working on the creation of new molecules and polymers with novel structures and unique properties with implications for high-tech applications.
Tang received his B.S. degree from South China University of Technology (Guangzhou) and his Ph.D. from Kyoto University. He conducted postdoctoral research at University of Toronto and worked as a senior scientist in the central laboratory of NEOS Corp. (Shiga, Japan). He joined the Department of Chemistry at HKUST as an assistant professor in July 1994 and was promoted to chair professor in 2008. He was elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009.
Tang received a Natural Science Award from the Chinese Government and a Senior Research Fellowship Award from the Croucher Foundation in 2007.


Aggregation-induced emission (AIE) phenomena have played more and more important role in the development of synthetic polymer chemistry, advanced optoelectronic materials and their applications, since the first report of Prof Tang in 2001. This presentation will introduce the physics basis and design principle of AIE-active molecules, including their classifications, structures, molecular mechanism and applications in fluorescent sensing, bioimaging and OLED etc. Also, Prof Tang will share his understanding on creativity and systematic research, and stimulate young investigators to focus on creative thoughts and the accumulation of scientific researches.
