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光电论坛第93期 :激光免疫疗法治疗转移瘤

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年12月12日    浏览:

光电论坛第九十三期 激光免疫疗法治疗转移瘤
时 间:2015年4月28日 16:00-18:00

地 点:武汉光电国家实验室A101

报 告 人:陈 伟 教授,美国俄克拉荷马中央大学

邀 请 人:张智红 教授


Laser Immunotherapy for Treatment of Metastatic Cancers

陈伟现任美国俄克拉荷马州立中央大学数学科学学院助理院长、生物医学工程教授;创立跨学科生物医学教学研究中心并任中心主任,Journal of X-ray Science and Technology杂志主编。陈伟教授主要从事激光癌症治疗的研究,首创激光免疫疗法,在治疗扩散型癌症方面做出了开创性工作。该方法已经开始应用于医学临床,并取得良好的治疗效果。陈伟教授在Cancer Research、Nano Letters等国际知名杂志发表论文120余篇,已获美国发明专利授权8项。在美国负责主持科研基金课题20多项,累计获得资助400多万美元。陈伟教授于2006年在国际光学工程学会(SPIE)创立“生物光子学与免疫应答”分会并担任会议主席,于2007年当选SPIE Fellow。陈伟教授在高等教育中获得巨大成就,曾荣获2008年度“美国年度教授”殊荣。

Wei R. Chen currently is an Assistant Dean at the Colleges of Mathematics and Science, and Professor of Biomedical Engineering; he established the Center for Interdisciplinary Biomedical Education and Research and serves as its Director; at the University of Central Oklahoma. He is the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology. His main research interests laser treatment of cancer. Dr. Chen is the co-inventor of the novel cancer treatment method, laser immunotherapy (LIT), using laser irradiation and immunological stimulation. LIT has been used in initial clinical trials for late-stage, metastatic melanoma and breast cancer patients with promising outcomes. Dr. Chen had published more than 120 peer-reviewed articles. He has been awarded eight US patents and several international patents. As principal investigator, Dr. Chen has received more than $4 million for research and education from federal and state agencies, as well as from industrial sponsors. Dr. Chen established in 2006, and since chaired, the international conference "Biophotonics and Immune Responses" at the annual Photonics West Symposium sponsored by SPIE (International Society for Optics and Photonics). Dr. Chen was elected SPIE Fellow in 2007. Dr. Chen was selected as 2008 US Professor of the Year (the highest teaching award in the United States).

肿瘤是严重威胁人类健康和生命的第二大疾病, 尽管已发展多种治疗方法,目前仍然是医学界所面临的最大挑战之一。针对癌症发生的根源,我们发展了新型激光免疫疗法。激光免疫疗法有效结合光热靶向治疗和免疫治疗,通过局部肿瘤损伤,激发宿主免疫防御系统,诱导宿主产生特异性抗肿瘤免疫反应。临床前和初步临床研究表明,激光免疫疗法能够有效的治疗转移肿瘤,并在对晚期恶性黑色素瘤患者及乳腺癌患者治疗中取得令人满意的疗效。基于原位自体全细胞抗肿瘤疫苗的原理,激光免疫疗法能够局部产生全细胞疫苗,诱发机体系统、长期的抗肿瘤免疫反应。本报告将介绍激光免疫疗法的发展及临床应用。

Cancer has been a leading cause of death since the beginning of human history. Various therapies have been developed, yet cancer remains to be one of the biggest medical challenges for researchers and practitioners. In an attempt to target the root cause of cancer, we developed laser immunotherapy (LIT). LIT aims at eradicating cancers by enlisting the help of the host immune system through a local intervention. It uses the combination of laser phototherapy and immunotherapy to induce tumor-specific immune responses. In our pre-clinical and preliminary clinical studies, LIT is shown to be highly effective against metastatic tumors. The experimental results indicated a systemic, long-term anti-tumor immunological response induced by LIT, using the entire tumor cell as the sources of tumor antigens, based on the principle of in situ autologous whole-cell cancer vaccination. This talk will introduce to the audience the development of LIT and its pre-clinical and preliminary clinical results.
