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来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年12月12日    浏览:
光电论坛第七十五期 高视觉对比度有机发光二极管

主讲:朱福荣 教授, 香港浸会大学

时间:2013年7月25日 10:00-11:30



香港浸会大学物理系教授、主任。于1983年和1986年,在复旦大学物理系分别获得学士和硕士学位。1993年获得澳大利亚查尔斯达尔文大学(Charles Darwin University)物理系博士学位。于19931995年,在日本京都大学电气与电子工程系从事博士后研究,1995年至1997年,于澳大利亚莫道克大学(Murdoch University)物理系任研究员,从事等离子体化学气相沉积硅薄膜器件的研究工作。1997年,加入新加坡材料研究院。从2005年起担任研究院有机电致发光二极管和有机太阳能电池研发部门主管。2009年被香港浸会大学物理系聘为教授, 于同年9月辞别新加坡材料研究院加入香港浸会大学物理系。目前主要研究方向包括:1)有机光电器件物理、表面和界面物理; 2)有机电致发光二极管的显示及白光照明;3)高效有机太阳能电池;4)有机薄膜晶体管和传感器的应用。已发表近九十余篇研究论文,论文被他引1300余次。获邀在国际会议上做特邀专题报告20余次。申请美国、日本和新加坡等国的相关发明专利8项。培养博士研究生8人,已毕业5人。


Furong Zhu is a Professor in the Department of Physics and Institute of Advanced Materials (IAM) at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). He received his BSc and MSc in Physics from Fudan University, Shanghai China, in 1983 and 1987. He completed his Ph.D in Applied Physics at Charles Darwin University in Australia from 1990-1993. He did his post-doctoral research in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Kyoto University in Japan from 1993-1995, and was a Research Fellow with the Department of Physics at Murdoch University in Australia from 1995-1997 working on silicon thin films derived from plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) for device application. He joined Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) in Singapore in 1997. Prior to HKBU, he was a Senior Scientist and a Program Manager leading the organic light-emitting diode (OLED) and organic photovoltaic (OPV) R&D activities at IMRE. He has authored/co-authored over 90 refereed journal/conference publications, and filed 8 patents in organic electronics. His research interests include device physics, surface science, nanostructures and semiconducting materials-oriented research for application in OLEDs, OPV, thin film transistors and organic sensors. He has been invited to deliver >30 invited talks at the different international conferences.




In practical applications, the visual contrast of an emissive display is more important than the brightness of image. As such, improving the visual contrast in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) is another important issue to address with a significant technological implication. This talk will discuss the progress in developing gradient refractive index transparent electrode for enhancing the visual contrast in OLEDs. The concept is based upon on using an electrode with a gradient or graded refractive index to minimize the ambient light reflection from OLEDs and hence to enhance the visual contrast. The transparent electrode with gradient refractive index can be easily engineered and optimized during the film deposition, providing a cost-effective approach for application in high contrast OLED displays.