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光电论坛第76期 :现场显微探测技术——研究海洋微小生物的革命性技术

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年12月12日    浏览:
光电论坛第七十六期 现场显微探测技术——研究海洋微小生物的革命性技术

主讲:Prof. Jules S Jaffe, University of California, San Diego

时间:2013年11月13日 10:00-11:30



Jules Jaffe教授是加州大学圣迭戈分校Scripps海洋研究所海洋物理实验室的海洋学家。其研究方向广泛覆盖了利用新技术观测海洋现象和研发各种装置通过逆向技术对这些现象进行解释的各个方面。其研究主要集中在海洋生物学领域,也包括部分生物医学方面的应用。在海洋生物学领域,Jaffe发明的几种声学探测系统首次实现了对浮游生物的现场行为观察。此外通过自助航行器上搭载的荧光成像探测器绘制出的小尺度浮游植物分布特性,史无前例的揭示了海洋生物群落的特性。现在在其实验室中正在研究的项目关注的是利用衍射全息成像术通过光学方法分析微生物特性,同时利用声学方法分析浮游动物的外形和尺寸。另一项研究集中在研制一种全新的小型、装备了各种传感器、具备利用声学方法组网互联的自助航行器,该航行器能够用于深入了解沿海环流和幼虫输运问题。这些研究工作得到了美国国家科学基金会、美国海军研究局、加利福尼亚海洋基金、美国陆军乳腺癌研究基金会、西维尔学院和凯克基金会的资助。


Jules Jaffe is a research oceanographer with the Marine Physical Laboratory at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego. His research interests are broadly concerned with the use of new technology for observing oceanic phenomena and the development of inverse techniques for their interpretation. His research has focused primarily on ocean ecology; he has also worked in biomedical applications. In the realm of ocean ecology, several acoustic systems invented by Jaffe resulted in the first-ever behavioral observations of zooplankton in situ. In addition, the small-scale distribution of phytoplankton, as mapped via an autonomously deployed imaging fluorometer has provided unprecedented views of oceanic biota. Current projects under way in his lab concern the use of diffraction tomography in order to characterize microbes using optics and to characterize animals (including shape and size) using acoustics. A new generation of miniature, sensor-equipped drifters that can acoustically network is also being considered in order to gain insights into coastal circulation and larval transport. The National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, California Sea Grant, The ARMY foundation for breast cancer research, The SeaverInstitute and the Keck Foundation have supported his work.




In this talk, Dr. Jaffe will describe both the technical advances and resulting science that his group has achieved over the last decades in characterizing oceanic biota with in situ optical imaging systems. One effort, underway for several decades, concerns the use of planar laser illumination in order to observe fluorescent particle distributions. Deployed from an autonomous, free-descent vehicle, the system detected "cryptic peaks" or fluorescent layers of particles, that were not seen in the bulk chlorophyll fluorescence profiles. Such layers, likely food for the larger zooplankton herbivores, are important features of pelagic ecosystems. More recently, Dr. Jaffes lab has developed a spectrum of underwater imaging microscopes that take pictures of organisms through ports, thus permitting identification of various macro, and micro plankton in relatively undisturbed waters. Results of the analysis of such data, currently underway, will be described.
