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光电论坛第78期 : 用于超快、高效系统的半导体纳米结构光子器件

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年12月12日    浏览:

光电论坛第七十八期 用于超快、高效系统的半导体纳米结构光子器件
Semiconductor Nanostructure-Based Photonic Devices for Ultrafast, Power-Efficient Systems

主讲:和田修教授, 日本神户大学

时间:2014年3月27日 16:00-17:30




Osamu Wada教授于1969年在日本Himeji技术研究所获得学士学位,1971年在日本神户大学获得硕士学位,于1980年在英国谢菲尔德大学获得博士学位。1971年到1996年期间,在日本富士通Fujitsu实验室工作,主要从事III-V半导体材料和器件的研究,包括LED,激光器,探测器以及用于电信和光互联系统的光子集成电路(OEICS)。他于1996-2001年在日本筑波市的FESTA实验室进行NEDO/ME项目的研究,主要内容是关于飞秒超快全光开关的发展。在2001-2010年,他曾任日本神户大学的工程研究生院教授,同时担任纳米材料和超快光子器件小组的组长。他是IEEE、OSA、IEICE和JSAP的会士(Fellow)。目前,他是日本科学振兴会(JSPS)驻京办事处的主任。

Osamu Wada received the BE degree in 1969 at Himeji Institute of Technology and ME degree in 1971 at Kobe University, both in Japan and the Ph.D. degree in 1980 at the University of Sheffield, UK. He was with Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Atsugi, Japan in 1971-1996, being engaged in research on III-V semiconductor materials and devices such as LEDs, lasers, photodiodes, and optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs) for telecom and interconnect systems. In 1996-2001, he worked for the development of femtosecond ultrafast all-optical switches at FESTA Labs., Tsukuba, Japan for a NEDO/METI project. During 2001-2010, he was a Professor at Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan and headed a group on nanostructure materials and ultrafast photonic devices. He is a Fellow of IEEE, OSA, IEICE, and JSAP. He is currently Director of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Beijing Office.


This talk first reviews key issues of photonic devices for future systems and then discusses recent developments using semiconductor nanostructures with a particular focus on ultrafast switching devices based on quantum dot (QD) materials. They include QD-based semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) exhibiting polarization-insensitive operation at >40 Gb/s and novel QD-based vertical cavity structure photonic switches showing ultrafast, power-efficient all-optical switching capability. Nanostructure-based photonic devices are summarized and discussed for future applications.
