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关于申请2016年Siegman International School on Lasers的通知

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:    发布时间:2016年03月25日    浏览:

OSA发起的2016年度Siegman International School on Lasers正火热报名中!本次活动由西班牙ICFO光电科学研究院承办,OSAIPG公司共同资助。邀请多名知名专家现场报告,提供与本领域师生广泛交流的国际化平台。申请成功的研究生将给予$200-$700的旅费和$100-$500的注册费资助。






Application Requirements
Students must complete all sections of the application. The deadline to apply is 30 March 2016. Required documents:

· CV/Resume

· Personal Statement:1 page, to include motivation for attending, research interests and any achievements to date.

· Student Advisor’s Letter of Recommendation: Letter should explicitly address how the school will benefit the applicant’s research and professional development as well as how they will add to the week long experience. Letter must be submitted at the time of the application.

Application Review Process:
All applications will be reviewed by the Program Committee and students will be notified of acceptance in the first half of April 2016.