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能源光子学学术报告:Structural effect of glyme-Li salt solvate ionic liquids on the conformation of poly(ethylene oxide)

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心     作者:能源光子学功能实验室    发布时间:2016年03月21日    浏览:

Title(报告题目):Structural effect of glyme-Li salt solvate ionic liquids on the conformation of poly(ethylene oxide)

Speaker (报告人):Dr. Zhengfei Chen, The University of Newcastle, Australia


Place(报告地点): WNLO A302

Abstract(摘 要):

The conformation of 38 kDa polyethylene oxide (PEO) dissolved in three glyme-Li+ solvate ionic liquids (SILs) has been investigated by small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and rheology as a function of concentration and compared to a previously studied SIL. The solvent quality of a SIL for PEO can be tuned by changing the glyme length and anion type. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) reveals that PEO is dissolved in the SILs through Li+ – PEO coordinate bonds. All SILs (lithium triglyme bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide ([Li(G3)]TFSI), lithium tetraglyme bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide ([Li(G4)]TFSI and lithium tetraglyme bis(pentafluoroethanesulfonyl)amide ([Li(G4)]BETI)) are found to be theta-good solvents for PEO but solvent quality decreases in the order [Li(G4)]TFSI ~ [Li(G4)]BETI > [Li(G3)]TFSI due to decreased availability of Li+ for PEO coordination. For the same glyme length, the solvent qualities of SILs with TFSI and BETI anions ([Li(G4)]TFSI and [Li(G4)]BETI) are very similar because they weakly coordinate with Li+, which facilitates Li+ – PEO interactions. [Li(G3)]TFSI is the poorest PEO solvent of these SILs because G3 binds more strongly to Li+ than G4. Rheological and radius of gyration (Rg) data as a function of PEO concentration show that the PEO overlap concentrations, c* and c**, are similar in the three SILs.

CV of Invited Speaker:

Dr. Zhengfei Chen

Ph.D. in Materials Science, The University of Melbourne, Australia, conferred in December 2013

MEng in Materials Science and Engineering, Monash University, Australia, 2007

BEng in Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, China 2003.

Research Career

Sept. 2013 – current : Postdoc research associate, The University of Newcastle, Australia

Oct. 2012 – May 2013: Postdoc research associate, IMF, Deakin University, Australia


Dr. Chen has published 8 refereed journal articles in his career to date and his publication and citation trajectory is increasing. He has published high quality research papers as first author which are reflected by the journal impact factors [Impact factors shown in square brackets]. These journals include Journal of Materials Chemistry [6.6], Macromolecules [6.1], Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics [4.2], Langmuir [4.1], Journal of Physical Chemistry B [3.4] and Journal of Physical Chemistry C [4.7].