
Analytical Characterization Method for Multi-Physical Processes of Fiber-Based Optoelectronic Devices
时 间:2019年7月22日10:00-11:30
地 点:武汉光电国家研究中心A101
报 告 人:陶肖明 教授, 香港理工大学
邀 请 人:陶光明 教授
陶肖明教授1982年毕业于华东纺织工学院 (现东华大学) 获纺织工程学士。1987年在澳大利亚新南威尔士大学获纺织物理博士学位。从2002年起担任香港理工大学纺织科技讲座教授。2004年创立香港功能智能纺织服装纳米研究中心并任首席科学家。现兼任香港理工大学可穿戴科技研究中心主任。陶肖明教授的研究方向是智能纺织材料及其在柔性光电子器件和系统中的基础理论、工程制造和应用。共发表了380多篇SCI学术期刊论文和7部学术专著, 是纺织学术界具有影响力的专家之一。获32项授权发明专利,其中十余项发明被世界多国的厂家以特许方式采用,取得显著的经济和社会效益。陶教授曾担任国际纺织学会世界会长,获得国际纺织学会的最高个人奖项“荣誉会士”奖,美国纤维学会的最高个人奖项“奠基者”奖。
Prof. Tao is Chair Professor of Textile Technology, founding Director of Research Centre of Smart Wearable Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She obtained a BEng in textile engineering from East China Institute of Textile Science and Technology with a 1st class prize and a PhD in textile physics from University of New South Wales in Australia. She is former World President of Textile Institute International (2007-2010). Prof. Tao is known for her pioneering research work on intelligent fibrous materials, photonic fibres and fabrics, smart wearable technology, and yarn manufacturing. Prof. Tao has conducted numerous research projects and published more than 800 scientific publications including >320 journal papers and 7 research monographs. >10 patents have been licensed for industrial applications. Prof. Tao is the recipient of the Honorary Fellowship of Textile Institute (2011) and the Founder’s Award by Fiber Society of USA (2013), both being the highest field award.
Fiber-based optoelectronic technology is a new and cutting-edge technology developed in the past two decades. It is the result of infiltration and fusion of chemistry, physics, materials engineering, electronic engineering, optoelectronic engineering and textile engineering. The research object is optoelectronic fiber and its aggregate devices with sensing, actuation, communication, memory, self-adaptive, self-repairing, self-power and learning functions, which can perform the functions in a preprogramed manner. There are several ways to form fiber-based optoelectronic devices and systems. The fiber-based optoelectronic devices and systems formed by the combination of functional materials and fibers have many characteristics, such as flexibility, large deformation, light weight, large area, fashionable, comfort, and do not affect the activities and functions of people or machines, allowing long-term real time use. It has great potential advantages in engineering man-machine interfaces, large-area optoelectronic devices and systems, transportation, security, smart Internet of Things, smart cities, healthcare, wearable devices and systems. At the same time, safe green functional materials are employed, which can be processed at room temperature or under low temperature and non-vacuum conditions with mature machinery and processing technology. Multiphysics processes are involved in the manufacture and use of fiber-based optoelectronic devices, which typically involve large macroscopic deformation, mesoscopic fiber complexity, multiphase materials (including solids and gases), porous, multi-interface and so on. The unique structure and characteristics require the development of new characterization and analytical methods. In this talk, the related scientific problems and some solutions are proposed and discussed for the materials and structures of fiber-based and fiber assemblies (textile structure) optoelectronic devices, and their optical, electrical, thermal, mechanical properties and characterization.
更早期视频参见 http://whof.wnlo.hust.edu.cn/