
From Protein Structure and Dynamics to Silk Fibers and Drug Development
时 间:2019年5月29日10:00-12:00
地 点:武汉光电国家研究中心A101
报 告 人:杨代文 教授, 新加坡国立大学
邀 请 人:叶朝辉 院士
Yang Daiwen obtained the Ph.D. degree from Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics,Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1991. After receiving postdoctoral training in Japan and Canada, he worked as a senior research associate at University of Toronto from 1997 to 2000. He joined NUS as an assistant professor in 2001 and was promoted to a tenured full professor in 2011. Professor Yang’s group focuses on researches in NMR methodology, protein structure and dynamics, production of spider silk fibers from recombinant proteins, structure-based drug design, and development of protein-based vaccines against infectious diseases.
蛋白质是由氨基酸组成的生物大分子。它们在生物体内发挥各种不可缺少的功能。还有一些蛋白质可以组装形成纤维,如蚕丝和蜘蛛丝。鉴于重要的功能,蛋白质已被深入研究,并且重组蛋白质在医学(作为药物,疫苗,诊断试剂和药物靶标),工业(作为酶)和生物工程(作为材料)中都具有广泛的应用。为了理解蛋白质如何发挥作用并进一步设计它们以实现预期目标,有必要揭示蛋白质结构 - 动力学 - 功能关系。在本演讲中,我将向您们展示使用核磁共振技术获得的蛋白质的结构和动力学以及它们与功能的关系。此外,我将演示如何基于结构设计蜘蛛丝状蛋白质并且最终生产人造丝,如何根据结构和动态信息发现药物先导化合物,以及为什么结构信息对基于蛋白质的疫苗设计很重要。
Proteins are biopolymers made of amino acids. They perform a variety of functions within organisms, and some proteins can assemble to form fibers such as silkworm silk and spider silk. Given the important functions, proteins have been studied intensively and recombinant proteins have wide applications in medicine (as drugs, vaccines, diagnostic reagents, and drug targets), industry (as enzymes), and bioengineering (as materials). In order to understand how proteins function and further engineer them for desired objectives, it is necessary to reveal their structure-dynamics-function relationship. In this presentation, I will show you the structures and dynamics of a number of proteins as well as their relationship to function, which were obtained using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Moreover, I will demonstrate how artificial silk can be produced from spider-silk-like proteins designed based on our structures, how drug lead is identified based on structural and dynamic information, and why structural information is important for protein-based vaccine design.
更早期视频参见 http://whof.wnlo.hust.edu.cn/