
光电论坛第33期:Next Rays? T-Ray!

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心   作者:  发布时间:2016年12月05日  点击量:

Next Rays? T-Ray!


报告题目: Next Rays? T-Ray!

报告人 张希成教授

: 2010114日下午1530

: 武汉光电国家实验室A101


张希成教授,美国伦斯勒理工学院(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)教授。1982年北京大学(学士)物理系毕业后赴美留学,1986年获美国Brown大学物理学博士学位。现任伦斯勒理工学院太赫兹研究中心负责人、NATO SET太赫兹技术工作小组主席、美国物理学会终身会员IEEE会员、美国光学协会会员、国防科学与工程研究项目物理小组成员等。参与了50余份杂志的编辑工作、20多本书及相关章节的编写工作、参与申请了22个美国专利、发表了250余篇文章、 在国际会议中做学术报告、学术研讨以及特邀报告400余次目前是世界范围内最早从事太赫兹(T-RAY)科学与技术研究的带头人,美国乃至全世界THz领域内的顶级专家,在THz成像和生物-医学应用,超快光子学、光电子学领域内取得了杰出成就,在很多国际组织、重要国际会议担任职务,是中国科学院和我国多所大学的兼职教授,对我国开展THz研究起到很大的推动和促进作用。


The thwarted terrorism attempt aboard a Delta flight on Christmas has raised public concerns and forced governments to search out more efficient, alternative sensing and imaging systems to protect civilian life in transportation sectors. The implementation of full-body scans at major airports using different electromagnetic waves or rays is now a hot topic worldwide. Terahertz (THz) radiation, or T-ray, which occupies a large portion of the electromagnetic spectrum between the infrared and microwave bands, offers innovative imaging and sensing technologies that can provide information not available through conventional methods (i.e. microwave and X-ray techniques). Historically, THz technologies were mainly used within the astronomy community for searching far-infrared radiation (cosmic background), and the laser fusion community for the diagnostics of plasmas. Since the first demonstration of THz wave time-domain spectroscopy in the late 80’s, there has been a series of significant advances (particularly in recent years) as intense THz sources and more sensitive detectors provide new opportunities for understanding the basic science within the THz frequency range. I will provide a basic introduction to THz wave sensing and imaging science, technology and its applications, with an emphasis on spectroscopic and imaging capabilities. The most recent results of using air (and selected gases) as the emitter and sensor material for both generation and detection of broadband THz waves will also be reported. Air, especially ionized air (plasma), has been used to generate intense THz waves (>1 MV/cm) with a broadband spectrum (0.1 THz to 50 THz). As THz wave (T-ray) technology improves, we believe new THz wave sensing and imaging capabilities will impact a range of interdisciplinary fields, including: communications, imaging, medical diagnosis, health monitoring, environmental control, and chemical and biological identification. Continued advances are pivotal for the protracted use of THz technology for non-destructive evaluation (immediate application), for homeland security (three to five years), and for medical diagnosis or even clinical treatment in biomedical applications (five to ten years).

Title: Next Rays? T-Ray!

Speaker: Prof. X.C. Zhang

Time: 15:30, Jan.14 2010,

Venue: Room A101 At WNLO


Professional Experience:
03/07-present Chairman NATO SET THz Technology Task Group
05/05-07/06 Chairman NATO SET THz Technology Exploratory Team
07/02-present Director Center for Terahertz Research, RPI
09/01-present Chair Professor Endowed J. Erik Jonsson ’22 Distinguished Professor of Science
03/98-present Professor Department of Electrical, Computer & System Engineering, RPI
05/97-present Professor Department of Physics, RPI
01/92-05/97 Associate Professor Department of Physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
08/87-12/91 Research Scientist Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University
05/85-07/87 Research Physicist Amoco Research Center
05/84-04/85 Guest Scientist Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ph.D., (Physics) Brown University, RI. 1986
M.Sc., (Physics) Brown University, RI. 1983
B.S., (Physics) Peking University, Beijing, China 1982

Honors and Awards:
Rensselaer’s William H. Wiley Award ‘09;

the Trustee Celebration of Faculty Achievement Awards ’08, ‘07, ‘06, ’04, ‘03, ‘02, ‘01;

Lifetime Fellow of American Physics Society;

Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers;

Fellow of Optical Society of America;

First Heinrich Hertz Lecturer (Germany); International Commission for Optics Traveling Lecturer ‘03; Fellow Lecturer of Optical Society of America ‘02;

K.C. Wong Fellow ’02; Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE/LEOS ‘98-99 & 99-00;

Rensselaer’s Early Career Award, ‘96;

Cottrell Scholar Award, Research Corporation ‘95;

K.C. Wong Prize, K.C. Wong Foundation /Hong Kong, ‘95;

CAREER Award (previous NSF-NYI), National Science Foundation ‘95;

AFOSR-SRPF Fellow, Hanscom Air Force Base ‘93-94;

Research Initiation Award, National Science Foundation, 92.

Professional Activities:
Topical Editor for JOSA B ‘05-11, Associate Editor-in-Chief for Chinese Optics Letters, Chinese Academy of Science Assessor, ‘00-10; Member, CLEO ‘03, CLEO ‘02,CLEO ‘99, ‘00 Program Subcommittee on Ultrafast Optics and Electronics; Chair of Physics Panel, ’99, National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellow Program; Board of Editorial Committee, ’99, Laser Society of Japan; Co-Chair, ’99, Conference on THz Spectroscopy and Application, SPIE; Chair, ’97, Ultrafast Optics & Electronics, LEOS Annual Meeting; Guest Editor, ’96, JSTQE on Ultrafast Electronics, Photonics and Optoelectronics; Chair, ’95-’98, Committee on Ultrafast Optics & Electronics, IEEE/LEOS; Member of the Board of Governors, ’95, IEEE/LEOS; Member of Physics Panel, ’93-present, National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellow Program; Co-Chair, ’93, Conference on Ultrafast Laser and Technology, SPIE; Member, ’93, Committee on IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meeting; Guest editor, ’93-present, for WuLi (Chinese Physics Journal); Member, ’92-’95, Committee on Ultrafast Optics & Electronics, IEEE/LEOS

Seminars, Colloquium, Publications, Patents:
Featured in over 50 magazines, 22 US patents issued, 20 books and book chapters, 250 refereed journal papers, delivered 400 colloquium, seminars, invited conference presentations, and 200 contributed conference talks.
