报告摘要Abstract: 2010年是激光发明50周年。报告中我会介绍从激光光源到同步辐射光源及自由电子激光光源的发展及特性,及所需新型光阴级材料的特性。当代科学研究的前沿之一是研究微观世界的动态特征,这就需要同时具有纳米的空间分辨和飞秒的时间分辨。X-射线激光的超快特性和高亮度,结合超快探测器条纹相机的高时间分辨和空间分辨,将十分有助于微观世界的动态特性研究。我将报告我们对单晶体Cu(100)和Cu(111)金属光阴级材料和半导体复合光阴级材料的研究成果,以及对磁性材料Fe/Gd和用飞秒激光在Cu中产生的高热高密度物质的动力学研究。
2010 is the 50th anniversary of the invention of laser. I will describe the evolution of laser, synchrotron radiation light and new generation light source - free electron laser (also called x-ray laser). Novel photocathode is identified as a key area of research needed to meet the challenge of next generation light sources, where in particular, it operates at very high repetition rate and low emittance. One front field of scientific research in the world is to study the ultra-fast and ultra-small world. The combination of high brightness and ultra-fast pulse of x-ray laser with ultra-fast detector will make important contributions to the ultrafast dynamic study of the ultra-small world. The work function, vectorial photoelectric effect and angle resolved photoemission of single-crystal surface of typically used metallic photocathode and multi-alkali photocathode will be reported. The ultra-fast dynamics of magnetism material Fe/Gd and the warm-dense-matter generated by focusing a fs laser on Cu will also be reported. 报告人简介Introduction to the speaker: 冯军研究员,毕业于四川大学物理系,获中科院近代物理研究所博士学位。曾获1996年中国自然科学杰出青年基金,2001年中国国家自然科学二等奖,2003年美国加洲大学劳伦斯国家实验室杰出研究成效奖。1995年由中科院特批为研究员。现任美国能源部加洲大学劳伦斯国家实验室研究员。主要从事:1.超高分辨光电发射电子显微镜的研究及应用,2.超快条纹像机研制及应用,领导的小组取得了230fs分辨,并将其用于磁性材料动力学及高热高密度材料动力学研究。3.用于新型自由电子激光的新型光阴级材料研制。4.X-射线光束线站及其应用研究。
Jun Feng, graduated from Sichuan University and got his PH.D degree from the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Science. He was awarded with the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar of China by NSFC in 1996, with the second prize of National Natural science research award of China in 2001 and the outstanding performance award of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 2003. Jun Feng was a research full professor at Chinese Academy of Science since 1995. He is currently holding a staff scientist position at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory of the department of energy of USA His research interests and projects are: 1) Advanced Electron Optics for photoemission electron microscope and its application, 2) Development of Ultra-fast x-ray streak camera and its application to nano-magnetism and nano warm dense matter dynamics study, a 230fs temporal resolution has been achieved, 3)Novel Photocathode for FEL, 4)X-ray beam line and end station and its application.