
Nanomaterials Design for Energy and Environment
时 间:2015年11月12日9:30-11:00
地 点:武汉光电国家实验室A101
报 告 人:崔 屹 教授,美国斯坦福大学
邀 请 人:霍开富 教授
崔屹教授1998年本科毕业于中国科技大学; 2002年于哈佛大学获博士学位,2003-2005年在加州大学伯克利分校从事博士后研究工作,2005年加盟斯坦福大学。崔教授主要研究兴趣集中在纳米材料在能量存储、光伏器件、拓扑绝缘体、生物及环境等方向的应用研究,先后在包括Science、Nature、Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Materials等世界顶级期刊发表高水平论文300余篇,H-index为113。由于其在科技创新方面的杰出成就,获得了众多的荣誉和奖项,包括获得2015 Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry、Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers Award for Young Scientist、2014年NANO ENERGY 奖、2014年blavatnik(布拉瓦尼克)国家奖入围奖、2013年IUPCA新材料及合成杰出奖、2011年哈佛大学威尔逊奖、2010年斯隆研究基金、2008年KAUST研究奖、2008年ONR 年轻发明家奖、2007年MDV创新奖、2005年特尔曼奖、2004年入选“ 世界顶尖100名青年发明家”、2003年米勒研究奖等。
Yi Cui obtained his BS from the University of Science and Technology of China (1998) and Ph.D in Chemistry from Harvard University (2002). After that, he went on to work as a Miller Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley. In 2005 he became an Assistant Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University. In 2010 he was promoted to an Associate Professor with tenure and named as David Filo and Jerry Yang Faculty Scholar. He holds a joint appointment in SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. His current research is on nanomaterials for energy storage, solar cells, topological insulators, biology and environment. He is a highly proliferate materials scientist and has published ~300 research papers and give ~300 plenary/keynote/invited talks. He is among top most cited scientists in the world (Google Scholar Search, H-index 113). He is ranked NO. 1 worldwide “ Hottest Researchers of Today” in Materials Science (Thomas Reuters, 2014).
Yi Cui is an Associate Editor of Nano Letters. He is a co-director of the Bay Area Photovoltaics Consortium ($25M by the US Department of Energy). He has won numerous honors recognizing his scientific contributions in these research areas, including MRS Fred Kavli Distinguished Lectureship in Nanoscience (2015), Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (2015),Blavatnik National Award Finalist (2015), Inaugural Nano Energy Award (2014), Blavatnik National Award Finalist (2014), the IUPAC Distinguished Award for Novel Materials and Synthesis (2013), the Wilson Prize (2011), the David Filo and Jerry Yang Faculty Scholar (2010), the Sloan Research Fellowship (2010), the Global Climate and Energy Project Distinguished Lecturer (2009), KAUST Investigator Award (2008) and so on.
The development of nanotechnology in the past two decades has generated great capability of controlling materials at the nanometer scale and has enabled exciting opportunities to design materials with desirable photonic, electronic, ionic, chemical and mechanical properties, which are important for advanced energy conversion and storage and for addressing the environmental issues. Here I will show exciting examples on how we design materials at the nanocale for energy and environment, including 1) Nanocone solar cells with advanced photon management and nanowire transparent electrodes; 2) High-energy batteries for portable electronics and electric vehicles; 3) Novel environmental technologies such as water desalination batteries, thermal batteries, microbial batteries, water disinfection and air particle filters.
访问此网址可重温2013年以来光电论坛报告视频 http://mooc.chaoxing.com/course/2018895.html
更早期视频参见 http://whof.wnlo.cn/