时 间:2015年12月15日上午9:00到11:30
地 点:武汉光电国家实验室 A201
报 告 人: 唐晋尧博士,香港大学
邀 请 人: 唐江 教授

Prof. Tang received his B.A. degree in chemical physics from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2003. Then, he began his Ph.D. study with Professor Colin Nuckolls at Columbia University, New York in 2003 and received his Ph.D. in 2008. In October 2008, he started his postdoctoral research in Prof. Peidong Yang’s groups at the University of California at Berkeley. He joined the chemistry faculty at the University of Hong Kong in the October of 2012.
Dr. Tang is particularly interested in applying nanoscience for three major fields: Renewable Energy, Nanofluidics; Nanorobotics
Functional material are generally refer as material with novel physical properties such as the ability to response to external stimulus. However, compared to the counterpart exist in nature, the designed functional material is not smart enough and can only serve for very simple tasks. In contrast, man-made electronic devices perform very complexed functions which represented the ability of modern engineering. We believe that designing new material with the same principle of electronic devices may help in designing really smart material in the future. Here, I will present two simple nanomaterial design based on similar nanotree structures for different application. One application is for solar energy harvesting, another application is for nanorobotics.