
【JIOHS】Call for Papers: Special Issue on Multiphoton Imaging and Quantitative Characterization

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2022年01月06日  点击量:

Call for Papers

Special Issue on Multiphoton Imaging and Quantitative Characterization

Multiphoton imaging, including two/three photon excited fluorescence and second harmonic generation, etc., is based on the simultaneous absorption of two or more photons emitted by a pulsed infrared laser source. Due to its advantages including the deep penetration depth, the reduced photodamage and the lack of out-of-focus bleaching, multiphoton imaging has emerged as a powerful modality for high-resolution, non-destructive, quantitative assessments of tissue functions. Moreover, it enables label-free imaging of cells and extracellular matrix relying on completely endogenous contrast. Combined with quantitative characterizations, multiphoton imaging can provide new insights into assessments such as cellular metabolism and extracellular matrix organization which are important indicators during disease initiation and progression.

The aim of this special issue is to highlight the most recent work and developments in the field of Multiphoton Imaging and Quantitative Characterization, including fundamental, clinical and pre-clinical studies, as well as new discoveries and explorations related to the use of multiphoton imaging in life sciences and for health care needs. Research articles, reviews, short communications and clinical case studies are welcomed and highly appreciated. All manuscripts will be internationally peer-reviewed. We solicit papers covering various topics of interest that include, but are not limited to the following:

Multiphoton excited fluorescence imaging
Second harmonic generation imaging
Nonlinear microscopy
Ultra-deep multiphoton imaging

Nanoprobes for multiphoton imaging
Novel optical biomarkers
Computational algorithm for image processing
Deep learning in multiphoton imaging and data analysis

Preclinical and clinical applications
Biomedical applications for multiphoton techniques
Label-free assessment of cellular metabolism
Multiphoton imaging for detection of diseases
Multiphoton imaging for cancer diagnosis and prognosis

Submission deadline: May 31, 2022
Planned publication date: November, 2022

Submission format
Authors should use the Latex or MS-Word style files. For more details, please visit https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/jiohs
JIOHS is indexed by SCIE (IF 1.770, JCR 2020). JIOHS has been a fully open-access journal since 2013.

Feature Editors:

Zhihua Ding
College of Optical Science and Engineering
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou 310027, China
E-mail: zh_ding@zju.edu.cn

Zhiyi Liu
College of Optical Science and Engineering
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou 310027, China
E-mail: liuzhiyi07@zju.edu.cn