
【JIOHS】Virtual Issue: Neuroimaging in JIOHS(2016-2018)

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心   作者:  发布时间:2018年04月28日  点击量:

1. Xiaohong Lin, Victoria Lai Cheng Lei, Defeng Li, Zhishan Hu, Yutao Xiang, Zhen Yuan. Mapping the small-world properties of brain networks in Chinese to English simultaneous interpreting by using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Online Ready

2. Mengmeng Han, Qiyan Wang, Xue Wang, Yuhui Zeng, Yong Huang, Qingqiang Meng, Jun Zhang, Xunbin Wei. Near infra-red light treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Vol. 11, No. 01, 1750012 (2018)

3. Sara Mattana, Silvia Caponi, Francesco Tamagnini, Daniele Fioretto, Francesca Palombo. Viscoelasticity of amyloid plaques in transgenic mouse brain studied by Brillouin microspectroscopy and correlative Raman analysis. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Vol. 10, No. 06, 1742001 (2017)

4. Xuecen Wang, Jiahao Wang, Xinpei Zhu, Yao Zheng, Ke Si, Wei Gong. Super-resolution microscopy and its applications in neuroscience. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Vol. 10, No. 05, 1730001 (2017)

5. Liang Li, Yajie Tang, Leqiang Sun, Khaista Rahman, Kai Huang, Weize Xu, Jinsong Yu, Jinxia Dai, Gang Cao. In vivo fiber photometry of neural activity in response to optogenetically manipulated inputs in freely moving mice. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Vol. 10, No. 05, 1743001 (2017).

6. Yuan Zhao, Zihui Chi, Lin Huang, Zhu Zheng, Jinge Yang, Huabei Jiang. Thermoacoustic tomography of in vivo rat brain. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Vol. 10, No. 04, 1740001 (2017)

7. Sa Liu, Jun Nie, Yusha Li, Tingting Yu, Dan Zhu, Peng Fei. Three-dimensional, isotropic imaging of mouse brain using multi-view deconvolution light sheet microscopy. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Vol. 10, No. 05, 1743006 (2017)

8. Oxana V. Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, Arkady S. Abdurashitov, Elena I. Saranceva, Eketerina G. Borisova, Alexander A. Shirokov, Nikita V. Navolokin. Blood–brain barrier and laser technology for drug brain delivery. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Vol. 10, No. 05, 1730011 (2017)

9. Yifan Yang, Lingchao Chen, Minbiao Ji. Stimulated Raman scattering microscopy for rapid brain tumor histology. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Vol. 10, No. 05, 1730010 (2017)

10. Piyush Kumar. Raman spectroscopy as a promising noninvasive tool in brain cancer detection. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Vol. 10, No. 05, 1730012 (2017)

11. Yubing Liu, Hongke Wang, Yangyang Liu, Weitao Li, Zhiyu Qian. Monte Carlo and phantom study in the brain edema models. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Vol. 10, No. 03, 1650050 (2017)

12. Ting Li, Chang Xue, Pengbo Wang, Yan Li, Lanhui Wu. Photon penetration depth in human brain for light stimulation and treatment: A realistic Monte Carlo simulation study.Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Vol. 10, No. 05, 1743002 (2017)


Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences (JIOHS)期刊由World Scientific Publishing Co.出版,华中科技大学副校长、武汉光电国家研究中心主任骆清铭教授担任主编,意大利Italian Institute of Technology的Colin Sheppard教授和俄罗斯SaratovState University的Valery V Tuchin教授担任期刊副主编。该刊宗旨为集中反映光电生物医学与健康工程领域的最新进展,为光子学在生物和医学领域的研究提供一个国际平台。内容包括:光子治疗学和诊断学、光学临床运用技术与系统、组织光学、激光生物组织相互作用和组织工程学、生物医学光谱学、高级显微和成像技术、纳米生物光子学和光学分子成像、多模式混合生物医学成像、微纳加工和医学微系统。自2013年1月开始,JOIHS成为开源期刊(Open Access Journal)。期刊被Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)、Ei Compendex、Scopus数据库收录。2017年发布的2016 JCR中该期刊影响因子1.12。欲了解更多详情,请访问http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/jiohs