
【JIOHS】20 Featured (Highly Cited) Articles Published in JIOHS 2016-2017

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心   作者:  发布时间:2018年10月08日  点击量:

20 Featured (Highly Cited) Articles Published in JIOHS 2016-2017

Photoacoustic imaging

  1. Qingkai Yao, Yu Ding, Guodong Liu and Lvming Zeng. Low-cost photoacoustic imaging systems based on laser diode and light-emitting diode excitation. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 16 May 2017.

  2. Xuanjin Yang and Liangzhong Xiang. Photoacoustic imaging of prostate cancer. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 13 Jun 2017.

    Raman scattering microscopy

  3. Yifan Yang, Lingchao Chen and Minbiao Ji. Stimulated Raman scattering microscopy for rapid brain tumor histology. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 01 Sep 2017.

  4. Aditi Sahu, Atul Deshmukh, Arti R. Hole, Pankaj Chaturvedi and C. Murali Krishna. In vivo subsite classification and diagnosis of oral cancers using Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 18 Jul 2016.

    Optical coherence tomography

  5. L. Bartolini, F. Feroldi, J. J. A. Weda, M. Slaman, J. F. de Boer and D. Iannuzzi. Multimodal probe for optical coherence tomography epidetection and micron-scale indentation. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 01 Nov 2017.

  6. Wei Gao, Valery P. Zakharov, Oleg O. Myakinin, Ivan A. Bratchenko, Dmitry N. Artemyev and Dmitry V. Kornilin. Medical images classification for skin cancer using quantitative image features with optical coherence tomography. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 01 Mar 2016.

  7. Yankui Sun, Tian Zhang, Yue Zhao and Yufan He. 3D automatic segmentation method for retinal optical coherence tomography volume data using boundary surface enhancement. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 01 Mar 2016.

    Optical clearing

  8. Luís Oliveira, M. Inês Carvalho, Elisabete Nogueira and Valery V. Tuchin. Optical clearing mechanisms characterization in muscle. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 18 Jul 2016.

    Nanoparticle for bioimaging and therapy

  9. Wenkai Fang and Yanchun Wei. Upconversion nanoparticle as a theranostic agent for tumor imaging and therapy. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 24 Jun 2016.

  10. Maria C. Gomes, Angela Cunha, Tito Trindade and João P. C. Tomé. The role of surface functionalization of silica nanoparticles for bioimaging. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 24 Jun 2016.

  11. Alla B. Bucharskaya, Svetlana S. Pakhomy, Olga V. Zlobina, Galina N. Maslyakova, Olga V. Matveeva, Irina O. Bugaeva, Nikita A. Navolokin, Boris N. Khlebtsov, Vladimir A. Bogatyrev, Nikolai G. Khlebtsov and Valery V. Tuchin. Alterations of morphology of lymphoid organs and peripheral blood indicators under the influence of gold nanoparticles in rats. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 01 Jan 2016.

  12. Boris Khlebtsov, Artur Prilepskii, Maria Lomova and Nikolai Khlebtsov. Au-nanocluster-loaded human serum albumin nanoparticles with enhanced cellular uptake for fluorescent imaging. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 01 Mar 2016.

    Structured illumination microscopy

  13. Qiang Yang, Liangcai Cao, Hua Zhang, Hao Zhang and Guofan Jin. Method of lateral image reconstruction in structured illumination microscopy with super resolution. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 01 May 2016.

    Photonics immunotherapy

  14. Feifan Zhou, Robert E. Nordquist and Wei R. Chen. Photonics immunotherapy - A novel strategy for cancer treatment. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 01 Jan 2016.

    Brillouin microspectroscopy

  15. Sara Mattana, Silvia Caponi, Francesco Tamagnini, Daniele Fioretto and Francesca Palombo. Viscoelasticity of amyloid plaques in transgenic mouse brain studied by Brillouin microspectroscopy and correlative Raman analysis. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 01 Nov 2017.

  16. Eitan Edrei, Milos Nikolic and Giuliano Scarcelli. Improving localization precision of Brillouin measurements using spectral autocorrelation analysis. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 01 Nov 2017.


  17. Xiaolong Liu and Keum-Shik Hong. Detection of primary RGB colors projected on a screen using fNIRS. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 04 Apr 2017.

    Monte Carlo simulation

  18. Ting Li, Chang Xue, Pengbo Wang, Yan Li and Lanhui Wu. Photon penetration depth in human brain for light stimulation and treatment: A realistic Monte Carlo simulation study. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 01 Sep 2017.

  19. Yubing Liu, Hongke Wang, Yangyang Liu, Weitao Li and Zhiyu Qian. Monte Carlo and phantom study in the brain edema models. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 04 Apr 2017.


  20. Luchang Li, Mengting Li, Zhaoning Zhang and Zhen-Li Huang. Assessing low-light cameras with photon transfer curve method. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 01 May 2016.