
【JIOHS】2017-2019 Highly Cited Articles

来源:武汉光电国家研究中心   作者:  发布时间:2019年09月12日  点击量:

Detection of primary RGB colors projected on a screen using fNIRS

Xiaolong Liu and Keum-Shik Hong


Viscoelasticity of amyloid plaques in transgenic mouse brain studied by Brillouin microspectroscopy and correlative Raman analysis

Sara Mattana, Silvia Caponi, Francesco Tamagnini, Daniele Fioretto and Francesca Palombo


Photon penetration depth in human brain for light stimulation and treatment: A realistic Monte Carlo simulation study

Ting Li, Chang Xue, Pengbo Wang, Yan Li and Lanhui Wu


Practical obstacles and their mitigation strategies in compressional optical coherence elastography of biological tissues

Vladimir Y. Zaitsev, Alexandr L. Matveyev, Lev A. Matveev, Ekaterina V. Gubarkova, Alexandr A. Sovetsky, Marina A. Sirotkina, Grigory V. Gelikonov, Elena V. Zagaynova, Natalia D. Gladkova and Alex Vitkin


Three-dimensional, isotropic imaging of mouse brain using multi-view deconvolution light sheet microscopy

Sa Liu, Jun Nie, Yusha Li, Tingting Yu, Dan Zhu and Peng Fei


Optical fluence compensation for handheld photoacoustic probe: An in vivo human study case

Lingyi Zhao, Meng Yang, Yuxin Jiang and Changhui Li


Thermoacoustic tomography of in vivo rat brain

Yuan Zhao, Zihui Chi, Lin Huang, Zhu Zheng, Jinge Yang and Huabei Jiang


Stimulated Raman scattering microscopy for rapid brain tumor histology

Yifan Yang, Lingchao Chen and Minbiao Ji


An approach to viscoelastic characterization of dispersive media by inversion of a general wave propagation model

Fernando Zvietcovich, Jannick P. Rolland and Kevin J. Parker


Black phosphorus: A novel nanoplatform with potential in the field of bio-photonic nanomedicine

Taojian Fan, Yansheng Zhou, Meng Qiu and Han Zhang
