
Theory and Applications of Exceptional Points of Degeneracy in Electromagnetics
时 间:2019年11月15日15:00-17:00
地 点:武汉光电国家研究中心A101
报 告 人:Prof. Filippo Capolino,美国加州大学尔湾分校
邀 请 人:曾进炜 副教授
Filippo Capolino于1993年与1997年在佛罗伦萨大学电子工程专业分别获取了学士和博士学位。他现在是加州大学尔湾分校电子工程与计算机科学系的正教授。之前,他在意大利锡耶纳大学的信息工程系担任助理教授直到2002年。在1997年和1999年间,他作为Fulbright学者和博士后学者在美国波士顿大学的航空与机械工程系学习。在2000到2001年,以及2005年和2006年的部分,他在美国德州的休斯顿大学电子工程和计算机系担任研究助理交流教授。他也在法国菲涅尔大学和法国波尔多的保罗帕斯卡研究中心的交流教授。他现在的研究兴趣包括超材料的应用,行波管道,天线,无线系统,微博和光频探测器,等离子体,纳米光学,光谱学,显微镜学和广泛的电磁应用。
Capolino博士作为36岁以下的年轻作者,得到了国际电力电气工程协会天线与传输分会2000年度的R. W. P King最佳论文奖。他是欧洲超材料方向博士项目的创立者,与2004-2009学年度的协调者。他也是专业书“超材料手册” (Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press, 2009)的主编。
Filippo Capolino received the Laurea (cum laude) and the Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Florence, Italy, in 1993 and 1997, respectively. He is currently a Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of California, Irvine, CA, USA. Previously he has been an Assistant Professor with the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Siena, Italy till 2002. From 1997 to 1999, he was a Fulbright and then a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Boston University, MA, USA. From 2000 to 2001, part of 2005 and in 2006, he was a Research Assistant Visiting Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Houston, TX, USA. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Fresnel Institute, Marseille, France (2003) and at the Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, Bordeaux, France (2010). His current research interests include metamaterials and their applications, traveling wave tubes, antennas, wireless systems, sensors in both microwave and optical ranges, plasmonics, nano optics, spectroscopy, microscopy, and applied electromagnetics in general.
Dr. Capolino received the R. W. P. King Prize Paper Award from the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for the Best Paper of the Year 2000, by an author under 36. He was the founder and the EU Coordinator of the EU Doctoral Programs on Metamaterials from 2004 to 2009. He is the Editor of the Metamaterials Handbook (Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press, 2009).
An exceptional point of degeneracy (EPD) is a point in the eigenmodes spectrum of a system at which at least two eigenmodes coalesce in both their eigenvalues and eigenvectors, where the order of the EPD is determined by the number of coalescing eigenmodes. We provide an algebraic theory in a Hamiltonian-like formalism to describe such degeneracy conditions and their physical properties. We will present a general framework to obtain this kind of degeneracy conditions related to periodicity, loss, gain, and time modulation of a system. We then explore their applications as oscillators, sensors, etc, In particular we will investigate the lasing threshold of oscillators operating near an EPD. We investigate the scaling of the lasing threshold with length of the cavity formed by a coupled resonators optical waveguide (CROW) modified in such a way that can support various orders of EPDs. The modified CROW consists of a chain of coupled ring resonators that are side-coupled to a straight waveguide. We will also show how EPDs can be used to conceive a new generation of exceptionally sensitive sensors are both optical frequencies and microwaves.
更早期视频参见 http://whof.wnlo.hust.edu.cn/