【JIOHS】Call for Papers: Special Issue on Photoacoustic and Microwave-Thermoacoustic Imaging
客座编辑:Da Xing教授,华南师范大学
Sihua Yang教授,华南师范大学
This special issue aims to cover recent advances in the developments and applications of photoacoustic imaging and thermoacoustic imaging. Photoacoustic imaging and thermoacoustic imaging have been developed for in vivo functional, metabolic, molecular, and histologic imaging by physically combining optical/microwave and ultrasonic waves. Over recent years, broad imaging applications have been achieved from cells and their constituents, to tissues and organs.
Original research papers, review articles and case studies are solicited for this special issue. Manuscripts will be internationally peer-reviewed. Submissions are encouraged dealing with the following and related topics:
Photoacoustic microscopy and applications
Photoacoustic elastograhy
Photoacoustic endoscopy techniques and applications
quantitative methods, combining computation and measurement
Photoacoustic velocity measurement and imaging
Intravascular photoacoustic tomography
All-optical non-contact PA imaging technology
Microwave-induced thermoacoustic imaging and applications
Multi-modality PA imaging and applications
Submission deadline: March 31, 2017
Planned publication date: May 2017
Submission format: Authors should use the Latex or MS-Word style files. For more details, please visit http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/jiohs
Feature Editor:
Da Xing
South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, CHINA
E-mail: xingda@scnu.edu.cn
Sihua Yang
South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, CHINA
E-mail: yangsh@scnu.edu.cn